Oh! What my mother used to make for me. Unfortunately, I have no whiskey. I have rum, I suppose it would do in a pinch. I will save it for later as the Theraflu recommends no alcohol while dosing oneself.
F2F 3: Who's Bringing the Guacamole?
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
Rum would probably work. After all, Clarence in It's a Wonderful Life asks for a a hot rum punch.
Oh, well, anything to help Clarence get his wings, right?
fuck. boss just started talking about the dates for the next conference (notice that i am at work on a saturday morning), and he says late May, 2nd or 3rd week. 2nd week is my birthday, 3rd week is F2F. Fuck. Better get my vacation request in now.
Nyistas, insent with a request for places to meet up the night of the 14th for dinner and drinks and pool playing.
Can't wait to see everyone!
Awww, the 14th? How about some other night, like...the week before? :)
NYistas, i'll be in town the 8th through the 13th...
Sorry, hon, I'm really booked up the week before between work and having plans to go see thessaly compete in the Independent World Poetry Slam: [link] , and Dave and I have actual birthday plans on the 12th before he leaves.
When are you leaving on the 13th? I don't know why I am asking since I'm not planning to come in until the next day, but...chalk it up to being bummed at missing you.
Heh. I have a plane ticket for like, 2pm, I think? Maybe 3pm. I'd have to check. Not very late, I wanted to get home. But depending on how the week goes, I might not stay the weekend, and take the chinatown bus home instead--I'm not feeling much up for EXTRA time away from home, lately!
I'm going to New Orleans! vacation has been approved! hotel room reserved! plane tickets bought! I get to be with the Buffistas!