they've taken my carryon for the test where they run a piece of gauze over the zipper pulls with a pair of tongs and then run the gauze through some machine.
I asked when they did our stuff in Pensacola. Guy said it was testing form explosives (ETA: or, actually, I think he said chemical) residue. My nephew's name also is the same as some nefarious guy's name, because they had to call him in when they checked his ID. (I asked again, of course) Poor nephew. Well, the guy said they'd only call it in once on the trip, and he didn't lie, so there's that, anyway.
Don't connect in Chicago
No, don't
here. If you all lived here, you wouldn't have to worry about connections. You'd just stop here. And live here. With me.
Is Chicago the one with the pretty light-show tunnel, or is that Detroit?
There is one at O'Hare to the United terminal.
Is Chicago the one with the pretty light-show tunnel, or is that Detroit?
There is one at O'Hare to the United terminal.
Ooooh, I *hate* that light-show tunnel. Because if I was in charge of building something like that, I would load it with subliminal messages. If I'm that devious, who's to say the original builders weren't?
The moving walkway is ending. Please look down.
Please be careful as you exit...the moving walkway.
Don't forget the shit with the fucking white zone, wankers.
The white zone is for fucking only.
Moo-om, the LA-istas are being narcissistic and making it all about LAX again.
Please do not leave any bags or packages unattended. Unattended packages will be confiscated by airport security.
Smoking is permitted in designated areas only.