Mal: Hell, this job I would pull for free. Zoe: Can I have your share? Mal: No. Zoe: If you die, can I have your share? Mal: Yes.

'The Train Job'

Buffistechnology 2: You Made Her So She Growls?  

Got a question about technology? Ask it here. Discussion of hardware, software, TiVos, multi-region DVDs, Windows, Macs, LINUX, hand-helds, iPods, anything tech related. Better than any helpdesk!

Theodosia - Dec 23, 2004 2:06:31 pm PST #785 of 10003
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

I want to take my "new" (since August, but it's still shiny to me) iBook down to my Mom's but I don't have a dialup account. I seem to remember we had some info here about temporary dialup accounts that I could try out, or purchase for a month or two on a pay-as-you-go basis. Did anyone try one of those, and would you recommend it?

Gandalfe - Dec 23, 2004 2:16:45 pm PST #786 of 10003
The generation that could change the world is still looking for its car keys.

I believe MSN still does the first month diap-up free. Remember to call to cancel, tho.

le nubian - Dec 23, 2004 2:20:11 pm PST #787 of 10003
"And to be clear, I am the hell. And the high water."

Theo, Earthlink and PeoplePc should also have 1 month free promotions.

DCJensen - Dec 23, 2004 2:25:28 pm PST #788 of 10003
All is well that ends in pizza.

AOL usually has a free month to 50 days. has 10 hours free/mo but has an adbar.

tommyrot - Dec 23, 2004 4:03:46 pm PST #789 of 10003
Sir, it's not an offence to let your cat eat your bacon. Okay? And we don't arrest cats, I'm very sorry.

I've used MaGlobe for temporary internet access from my parents'. It works OK, except my parents live in a small farming community so the closest access # is a semi-long distance five cents per minute call.

meara - Dec 23, 2004 4:05:02 pm PST #790 of 10003

I should've thought of the temporary dialup thing, that would've been smart. Instead, I have my laptop with me, but have to use my parents' scary computer. Ah well.

Rio, that is the CUTEST THING EVER, the pictures spelling your name.

tommyrot - Dec 23, 2004 6:14:10 pm PST #791 of 10003
Sir, it's not an offence to let your cat eat your bacon. Okay? And we don't arrest cats, I'm very sorry.

From slashdot:

"IBM has big plans for the 970, Apple's so-called "G5". The CPU will support partitioning, similar to IBM's mainframe systems, allowing multiple operating systems to run at the same time on a single CPU. A Mac built around this chip could theoretically run OS X, GNU/Linux, Mac OS 9, and the PowerPC version of Windows NT, all simultaneously and independently." [link]

I so want one of these.

Damn, and I just bought a Cube and an Apple 17" LCD screen. I think I'm getting sucked into this Mac cult....

Ginger - Dec 23, 2004 7:11:59 pm PST #792 of 10003
"It didn't taste good. It tasted soooo horrible. It tasted like....a vodka martini." - Matilda

I haven't done much troubleshooting, because it's midnight and my brain gave up several hours ago, but I'm trying to copy some files to take with me on my trip tomorrow. I'm copying files and folders out of Windows Explorer to a CD. I've never had any trouble doing this before, and now everytime I try, it says "Windows encountered trouble copying this file." I've tried different files. I've rebooted. Anyone have any theories?

dcp - Dec 23, 2004 7:16:03 pm PST #793 of 10003
The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.

Trouble with the same particular file or folder each time, or the same problem with different files?

eta: Oh, wait, you said you tried different files already.

dcp - Dec 23, 2004 7:32:27 pm PST #794 of 10003
The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.

Have you checked the files' properties to see if they are marked Archive or Read-only?

Are you copying to read-only CD or re-writable CD?

I have an old Iomega USB external CD burner I use once or twice a year to archive stuff -- mostly photos -- and it sometimes hiccups over any or all of those variables. I don't really know why, just that those are the things I fiddle with to make it work.