is it possible to use Windows PDAs with Macs?
Yes, to a limited degree, using Missing Sync. It syncs fine, but installing some PDA software can be a total bitch - a lot of it only comes in Windows-only install EXEs, rather than portable CAB files. Annoying, and one of the big reasons I switched to a Palm, but most people really don't need to install new software on their PDA every day, so may not be a dealbreaker for you.
In other news, my MBP came today. So far, I am loving it. It's kind of burning my legs a bit, but I could probably fix that by putting on pants.
The new sharing-enabled frontrow installed on it just fine this morning, and I played around. Pretty nice - with the Divx and XviD Intel Quicktime components installed I seem to be able to play most downloaded movies (VM and Arrested Development worked fine, as did Trapped in the Closet) using it. The iTunes frontend works well, too. Interestingly, the remote will control iTunes/Quicktime Player/DVD Player even if you don't access them through FrontRow, so you can use it just to turn things up/down from across the room. Also, works to control KeyNote, which will rock for presentations. When somebody writes a plugin to make it work with VLC, then I'll be a completely happy camper.
Oops, he's about to go to sleep. I am calibrating the battery, so I'm supposed to leave him asleep for a while. Plus, I should sleep myself.
Perkins, this is what we have: [link]
They have newer versions out.
NYT has a writeup on the new mac
Inside the Mac Mini.
Adium lovers -- does it work with the iSight?
Also, anyone have any recommendations for small (for use in a cubicle) air purifiers?
So, it's time to chuck this old CRT and get myself an LCD monitor. What is recommended by the hivemind?
Huh. Apparantly it takes more work to replace the memory in the Intel Mini than the old one (you now have to move the HD out of the way first). Which is nice to know, as I gotta add memory to my old Mini.
you now have to move the HD out of the way first
Yeah -- the link that went to that page recommended getting the extra memory with the box, but that seems a bit overkilly.
So, it's time to chuck this old CRT and get myself an LCD monitor. What is recommended by the hivemind?
What kind of computer?
I think one of the biggest questions is: do you wanna get one with a digital interface (DVI)? It costs more, and unless you have a recent graphic card you'd need to get a graphic card with DVI output to take advantage of it. (You could still use an analog VGA interface on a DVI monitor.)
You gotta pay more for a DVI monitor, but personally I think it's worth it - the picture is much sharper than many analog VGA LCD monitors.
What kind of computer?
PC. And I forget all my stats at the moment. 1.2 GHZ processor. At least 512 MB RAM, maybe a gig. Running Win2K. It was built for me in 2003, so that's how old the graphics card would be.
I don't know what a DVI is. Really, as long as the picture quality is at least as good as a CRT, I don't mind so much. It's more of a convenience/space issue. Plus, easier to move. Also, my Proview monitor blows. I'm not going to trust a second-rate monitor this time.
I don't know what a DVI is.
It's about what kind of video card you have. You should check. It could make a difference.
I have a Viewsonic, and it's treated me very well, except the driver and my card sometimes pretend to not like each other. Never for too long, luckily.