Crap. I might have just bought 50 blank CDs from Radio Skack that are useless to us.
At least it wasn't my money.
eta: I try to avoid buying stuff from Radio Shack if I can help it, but it's within walking distance of work, and there's not much else within
Have you tried more than one CD?
Leif has tried more than one CD at a time, often this just leads to jamming up the CD unit.
Have you tried more than one CD?
One CD burner refused to burn the CDs, which is why I used the DVD burner.
Well, if nothing else works I'll bring my IBook to work tomorrow and connect it to the computer in question (which is off the network as we suspect it has a virus). The CD burner on my iBook is incredibly unfinicky, so hopefully it can use the blank CDs.
Did someone post here the results of speed tests on the new Intel iMac not measuring up to what Jobs claimed? Or did I read that someplace else? Anyway, this Slashdot post says it's not so:
madgunde writes "Looks like MacWorld magazine was a little premature in reporting that the new Apple iMac Core Duo doesn't live up to Apple's speed claims. The folks over at MacSpeedZone have done some performance testing of their own that debunks MacWorld's results and shows that the new iMac Core Duo DOES live up to the hype. Not only did the new iMac wipe the floor with the old model in their tests, but using MacWorld's own test methodology would allow MacSpeedZone to conclude that the new Intel iMac is almost as fast as a PowerMac Quad G5. " I see only one way to solve this: Give me one. I'll run WoW on it, and decide.
t looks impatiently at date, which is not yet February 15th
t listens worriedly to the scary sounds iBook has started making more regularly
t hopes that MacBook comes sooner, rather than later
Okay, I have an honest-to-goodness Tech Support question for folks more familiar with windows and/or networks than me.
A few days ago, Gershwin Girl's internet starting giving her serious problems in her apartment. She's running off of a wireless router that I configured for her, and until a few days ago everything worked great.
The router still works perfectly on my computer, and on her roommates' computers. In fact, I'm sending this message from her wireless right now and, as you can see, no issues.
But her computer loads websites about 1 out of every 10 tries, disconnects her from gaim with regularity, and is otherwise incredibly annoying. Sometimes it will work great for an hour or so, but never for extended periods.
Her internet DID work fine when she was connected to a different wireless network. Overall, I'm confused. Any ideas?
TIVO question my BIL just bought a TIVO ( Or is buying) Has anyone used the TIVO wireless router? and does anyone else use a wireless connection. We went wired because we just punched a quick whole in the wall and at the time - thier were a lot of complaints about getting wireless to work
I've been running wireless Tivo for quite a while and I've set it up for two other people. As long as you are using the Tivo branded adapter or one of the very specific models they list on their support site it's quite easy. The trick is that almost all of the ones that they list are versions or firmware revisions that aren't easily obtainable.
The best way to go is to buy the Tivo branded WiFi adaptor.
I use TiVo with a wireless connection. I haven't had any problems. I got a supported one (on the second try. Stupid serial numbers) at Best Buy.