Mal: How come you didn't turn on me, Jayne? Jayne: Money wasn't good enough. Mal: What happens when it is? Jayne: Well... that'll be an interesting day.


Buffistechnology 2: You Made Her So She Growls?  

Got a question about technology? Ask it here. Discussion of hardware, software, TiVos, multi-region DVDs, Windows, Macs, LINUX, hand-helds, iPods, anything tech related. Better than any helpdesk!

DXMachina - Apr 05, 2005 5:30:17 pm PDT #2327 of 10003
You always do this. We get tipsy, and you take advantage of my love of the scientific method.


le nubian - Apr 06, 2005 9:34:05 am PDT #2328 of 10003
"And to be clear, I am the hell. And the high water."

So...podcasting. Apparently I am one of the few people who didn't know about this. I think it is really cool.

Does anyone know if there is a blog out there that discusses cool podcasts?

I don't like's lack of search engine and I would like to read an assessment of podcasts before taking the time to download them.

Wolfram - Apr 06, 2005 10:32:58 am PDT #2329 of 10003

Anybody use tightVNC?

Liese S. - Apr 06, 2005 5:56:17 pm PDT #2330 of 10003
"Faded like the lilac, he thought."

Okay, help! I'm setting up my new (very lovely, thanks for the advice, 'ffistas) laptop. I finally got it cooperating nicely with my home wireless network. So now I'm setting up profiles.

Thunderbird claims that it automatically imports from Mozilla profiles without me having to do anything. It did this just fine for the first (of four) profile I set up. For the second one (and all subsequent ones) it doesn't offer me the wizard, and when I try to import, it doesn't offer me Mozilla as one of the options I can import from.

Any ideas?

Betsy HP - Apr 06, 2005 7:10:43 pm PDT #2331 of 10003
If I only had a brain...

DAMN. My TiVo recorded the amazing race instead of LOST. Where can I find torrents nowadays?

Deena - Apr 06, 2005 7:11:02 pm PDT #2332 of 10003
How are you me? You need to stop that. Only I can be me. ~Kara

HiddenSky - Apr 06, 2005 7:25:42 pm PDT #2333 of 10003
"There are two sorts of people in the world: those who believe Joss Whedon is a genius and those who are wrong." - Connie Ogle, Miami Herald

I almost made the same mistake (I had TAR7 as a higher priority season pass, never expecting a conflict) but remembered to check my to-do list because I'm running out of room on my Tivo. If you can't get it via torrent, let me know and I can copy it to disc.

DCJensen - Apr 06, 2005 7:29:34 pm PDT #2334 of 10003
All is well that ends in pizza.

Well,, actually. Or, org, net, info...

Deena - Apr 06, 2005 7:48:12 pm PDT #2335 of 10003
How are you me? You need to stop that. Only I can be me. ~Kara

DCJ, that's a different site (which you might already know). I like the one I mentioned because it's simple to navigate and it's been around forever. They only do television, specifically current stuff.

DCJensen - Apr 06, 2005 8:14:44 pm PDT #2336 of 10003
All is well that ends in pizza.

I guess my main objection is that is a login site that makes you register.

As far as I know, and btefnet have been around longer and do not require a login, credits, or have glitzy ads.

They also only do TV shows.