I heard he had, er, disagreements with a few of the producers.
Spoilers 3: First Mutant Enemy, Now the World
[NAFDA] Spoilers for any and all currently running TV shows. All hardcore spoilage, all the time. No white font.
Well there was that whole thing with him posting he was fired on facebook. I never knew if that was genuine but it is sounding like it was.
But the Supernatural news is awesome! I love Trickster!!
David Boreanaz threatens to boycott chicken episode of Bones.
Hanson, who plans to shoot at an actual chicken farm with or without David, admits to letting his devilish side get the best of him. “Between Emily, [a passionate animal-rights activist] not wanting to exploit animals and David having a phobia of chickens, it should be an interesting shoot,” he says. “You gotta have a little fun.”
Supernatural - Jim Beaver said on his facebook page that he hadn't been in Vancouver since mid July. Now he is discussing his current directing gig. This is speculation more than spoiler but I am thinking this all adds up to very little Bobby in Season 5. Bummer.
Given the hint at Comic-Con that something happens with Bobby that could change his relationship with the boys, plus his Tweet about leaving a couple of bloody idjits in the ER, I'm thinking Bobby will not be with us at all after the first couple of episodes. At least not on this plane.
Damn, I hope I'm wrong.
Well, hell.
Anyone object if I spoilerishly rant about the season premiere of House? Because critics everywhere seem to be swooning over it, and I thought it was complete horseshit.
no. please do!