Myself and one other fan posted spoilers - mine were detailed recaps (as I do). BSG fandom being a fairly young and naive one, some bright person posted links to said spoilage on the forums. Where the writers sometimes hang out. RDM & Co proceeded to freak the fuck out and spend the rest of the summer bitching and moaning about how spoilers ruin everything for everyone and only someone who really hates the show and everything it stands for would even consider ruining that experience for all the fans who just want to be surprised (which is why they follow links to detailed spoilers and spend weeks analyzing them...) blah blah NotGettingItcakes.
Anyway. I don't want DH to get in trouble for being the source of the Worst Spoiler Leak To Happen In The History Of Television EVAR And Did We Mention Again How Spoilers Suck And The Only People Who Like Them Probably Also Kick Kittens For Fun?, so I'm not posting BSG spoilers anymore. (Also, I want to keep getting the eps early.)
We want you to keep getting them early too. Also, taunting can be fun!
Dollhouse sides.
I'm really not getting that much out of the two scenes they've got.
Yikes, Jess...I don't blame you. (I'm nursing or i'd say more.)
I'm really not getting that much out of the two scenes they've got.
I wonder if these are actual scenes from the pilot or scenes just written for casting purposes. We did a lot of casting sides on Drive that weren't real scenes.
I'm actually hoping some of it is foiler stuff in a way.
Aha. The casting sides for November just appeared - they're scenes previously used for other characters' sides (Adelle and Sierra) with the names swapped to November. So I think those sites publishing the sides as scriptage are a little wrong.
RE: BSG Spoilers... yes, I was flabbergasted when those spoilers last year appeared on the skiffy site... the same place where Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Moore read and post regularly. I was thinking "why, why would you do that? How stupid can you be??? Of course Ron is going to see it and get mad and put the brakes on all spoilers and the rest of us spoiler whores will suffer!!"
Spoilers are best kept on private and locked forums, where the only members are people who are known and trusted not to be so silly as to do something like take them and wave them under Ron's nose. I've read a couple of recaps by people who have seen He That Believeth in Me on such forums, and would never think of taking them to skiffy. It's a shame this isn't also a locked forum.
Jessica, your spoilers saved my life last year, and I was so sorry to see the fallout that resulted from your generosity. If I could have smacked down everyone at skiffy responsible for posting them there, I would have. Do you have a private LJ? That might be a good place for you to share your spoilers in the future, if you wish to do so.
I personally don't believe spoilers should be kept in locked private forums and such, 'cos, like... I don't know, I think that creates levels of fandom. If somebody wants to be spoiled and somebody has that information, I think they should be allowed to spoil themselves.
I'm not going to be posting spoilers for BSG this time.
It really has nothing to do with not pissing off RDM, it has to do with not putting DH's job at risk. I love spoilers and miss the Buffy/Angel spoiler community dearly, but being able to put a roof over my kid's head depends on DH having good relationships with publicists. However small the risk is that anything I post gets traced back to him, it's not worth it to me.