I just read over on TWOP that Niki's going to die.
(That would be Niki on Heroes.)
By January.
No other details.
[NAFDA] Spoilers for any and all currently running TV shows. All hardcore spoilage, all the time. No white font.
I just read over on TWOP that Niki's going to die.
(That would be Niki on Heroes.)
By January.
No other details.
What about Jessica?
I don't know. I read the black font in Twops Niki thread. I didn't go searching for details.
Given that Niki is the actual physical person (person 1) my guess is that if Niki goes so does Jessica.
(My friend S. asked me the same question when I told her what I'd read.)
From Ausiello:
Anyway, a few Supernatural scoopbits: The Jan. 3 episode will feature a surprising origin story for Ruby, during which we'll learn why she's helping the bros. And the following week (Jan. 10), we're going to learn how Bobby got into hunting.
So, that's the Witch Hunt episode (#9) and Dream a Little Dream (#10).
OK, I don't usually post in here, so feel free to smack my hand away from the guac bowl.
Really liked Razor. I had a little trouble framing the timeline against the Galactica seasons from time to time, but I think that's more me than the episode. The story jumps around from the start of the (second) war from the perspective of Pegasus, to the time after Admiral Cain is killed, and it recounts at least two of the incidents that we heard about in Pegasus - Cain executing her XO, and the plunder of civilian ships and attendant slaughter. There are also Adama's flashbacks from the first war, of course. None of that is news, probably.
I... do people want a recap? I can do that. Even though it's the spoiler thread, I don't want to, you know, bore or overspoil (is there such a thing?). Mainly, I want to make a happy noise some of my favorite parts, which included the fabulous homage to the first series (which I was completely not expecting) and the direct references to Kara and her special destiny of specialness.
Personally, I thought the new character stuff was much stronger than the ties-in-directly-with-the-show-storyline stuff, which felt kind of shoehorned in. (I really could have done without the final scene between Lee and Adama.)
I think I saw where you said that about the new character story being stronger before I watched, and I agree. I can see how they needed the BSG frame to hang the Pegasus story on, though - her flashbacks to the key points - to tell the story in that length of time, but the Pegasus crew were really engaging enough on their own.
Yeah, didn't need Lee and Bill to explain to me what I'd just seen.
I am intrigued by all the guardian, hybrid, prophesying stuff. There may have been some squeeing at certain points.
I thought the lead was really strong, which you need when you're working with Michelle Forbes.
And my reaction to the characters' choices has been kind of all over the board, which I think is interesting.
I'm assuming that the hybrid is the Cylon God we've been promised.
And oh, SO MUCH SQUEE when the original series Cylons appeared! LOVE!
And yes, the actress who played Shaw was fantastic.
I was all, "Oh! Hi, hello, hi!!" to the original Cylons. I just thought that was brilliant in that it was so organic and so AWESOME! It would have been awesome no matter what, but I can see where it makes sense, even not really knowing the whys and wherefores, which just makes it that much better.
Now, here's what I noticed during the credits - they had actors playing "Young Helena" and her parents. I'm hoping whatever that was, we get it in deleted scenes. I mean, who knows whether the scenes were even good or illuminating... I'm just dead curious.
Oh, and also - when young Adama is down on the planet, and he's tryign to free those people trapped in the room - did the woman who was looking out look like Kara to you, or am I just reaching now?
So I too saw "Razor" and I have to say that I was pretty disappointed. I'm not sure what I was expecting - but I think I was expected more Pegasus pre-Galactica. So this felt like a giant recap of season 1 and half of 2.
I was less than thrilled about two "revelations" during the movie: the hybrids and that Kara is supposed to send humans to their death. WTF?
This felt like a bunch of stuff that the people in charge didn't have time to get to in the 2nd season and decided to put it in this stand alone.