I think that the producers of the two shows have a deal going, and won't bring him back on one unless he has to do double-duty on both.
Or possibly he really really hoping to get plane tickets around the world with all his frequent flyer miles.
[NAFDA] Spoilers for any and all currently running TV shows. All hardcore spoilage, all the time. No white font.
I think that the producers of the two shows have a deal going, and won't bring him back on one unless he has to do double-duty on both.
Or possibly he really really hoping to get plane tickets around the world with all his frequent flyer miles.
At least the SPN framework allows for JDM to come back more easily.
And has been hinting at seeing him in some form all season long.
Yes, the SPN thing makes sense. . . the GA thing does not. Do Hallucinations count as dreams? Maybe Izzy will hallucinate him?
SPN, yes. The 'verse allows for it.
GA? Teh hell? God they are driving me batshit with this show. Medical drama where the rules are people die and stay dead. From heart conditions and clots, not demons.
You want to embrace the metaphor? Write for a metaphorical show, not a literal medical drama. Or come up with a cure for eyerollitis. Stat.
Heroes spoilers - not explicit and probably have already been guessed/discussed by fans:
From Entertainment Weekly...
1. Linderman is supposedly the mastermind "behind all the shenanigans that are going on" including the political actions of Nathan and Hiro's efforts to avert NYC's annihilation.
2. Linderman has a power.
3. Sounds like Linderman at some point will ask Hiro for his sword back.
I just watched the last two eps of BSG S3.
They are gooooooooooooood.
And for the first time ever, I don't want to spoil them. There's a thing, and it's so well-constructed that if I explain what it is, it will sound completely sucky, but it's not. It's amazing.
I can spoil Baltar's trial (he's found not-guilty, just barely -- I'll fill in the details tomorrow because right now it's midnight and I have to go to bed), but the B-plot I think needs to be seen to be understood. I'm still processing it, to be honest. There's a lot of hidden detail (and on first watch, I can't be sure how much of it was actually meaningful). And there are a few things I don't fully understand the significance of, and probably won't until next season unless RMD spoils it in the podcast.
Oh, and the monolith theme music from 2001 was on the temp track in the dream sequences, and I really really hope it's used in the actual show, because it's just perfect.
And for the first time ever, I don't want to spoil them.It's like you're Darla when she had the baby's soul infecting her.
Okay - it's been brought to my attention that the spoilers I was trying to protect are in fact already out on the intertubes (not too shocking, since the press screeners have been out for over a week now). I'm writing up a long post in WordPad now.
I'm so glad to be spoiled for this. O Spoilers! How did I think I could abandon you? You never let me down. I'm sorry you can't say the same of me.
Seriously. I've hardly spoiled since Angel left the airwaves. So many of the current sources just aren't that reliable, and they don't give me what I want, even when they are. I remember being so disappointed that VM -- a show about a detective, for cry yi yi -- had such vague spoilers. Veronica wouldn't stand for that.
To have Jess spoil us for this, feels like being invited to a banquet after a very long, enforced diet.
there are some pretty intense spoilers out there that I previously thought were foilers, but sounds like that isn't the case...