Okay - it's been brought to my attention that the spoilers I was trying to protect are in fact already out on the intertubes (not too shocking, since the press screeners have been out for over a week now). I'm writing up a long post in WordPad now.
Spoilers 3: First Mutant Enemy, Now the World
[NAFDA] Spoilers for any and all currently running TV shows. All hardcore spoilage, all the time. No white font.
I'm so glad to be spoiled for this. O Spoilers! How did I think I could abandon you? You never let me down. I'm sorry you can't say the same of me.
Seriously. I've hardly spoiled since Angel left the airwaves. So many of the current sources just aren't that reliable, and they don't give me what I want, even when they are. I remember being so disappointed that VM -- a show about a detective, for cry yi yi -- had such vague spoilers. Veronica wouldn't stand for that.
To have Jess spoil us for this, feels like being invited to a banquet after a very long, enforced diet.
there are some pretty intense spoilers out there that I previously thought were foilers, but sounds like that isn't the case...
I so miss spoilers. I like to be prepared for traumatic things.
Me, too. What was I thinking, trying to live like those others, out there? Well, actually, I was thinking the spoilers I've been getting around the 'net aren't worth the non-paper they're written on.
But Jess spoilers are the real deal. They're so good, I think they're fattening, and raise both your blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Well, actually, I was thinking the spoilers I've been getting around the 'net aren't worth the non-paper they're written on.
Good point, this.
I meant that in a general way. I think the BSG spoilers at TWoP are solid (if not that well reported), le nubian.
Do anyone else keep obsessively checking this thread to see if Jess has posted?
(Sorry - really busy today, and I'm not good with bullet pointing these things. Here's the first chunk. Haven't quite gotten to the good parts yet.)
Baltar's trial, as it turns out, is mostly about Lee and his SooperSeekrit Deep Pain That Nobody Understands Especially Daddy.
Lee gets over his initial crankiness at being assigned to Lampkin's security detail and decides that he really loves justice and wants to help to protect The System and make sure that Baltar gets a fair trial. Adama is NOT happy. (I think both of those things already happened.)
When the fleet is about 7 jumps from the nebula (where presumably they'll find the next clue on the road to Earth), they discover that the Cylon fleet has been following them. They assume there must have been a tracking device planted while the fleet was on New Caprica, and Roslin suggests asking the Six about it. Lee notices something suspicious about her tea in this scene. (I thought he was noticing that his dad was obviously sleeping with the President, but it's not brought up verbally so I can't be sure if it's in my head or in the subtext.)
Tigh goes to interrogate Six, and she tells him that the tillium refinery ship has a unique radiation signature that they've been following. He tries to get more information out of her, and she initially considers being helpful, but once Head!Baltar steps in and reminds her that no matter what she gives them, they'll still eventually throw her out an airlock, she gets snarky and starts taunting him about Ellen instead (presumably, she knows from Cavil that Ellen was giving them information about the resistance). She also somehow knows that he killed her. They exchange punches and Tigh leaves.
A woman visits Baltar in prison, wanting him to bless her son. He refuses, and then has a conversation with Head!Six where we learn that this has been happening a LOT lately. Apparently a cult has emerged within the fleet which thinks Baltar is some kind of prophet or demigod. He mostly finds them annoying.
Roslin wants the prosecuting attorney to charge Baltar with the original Colonial genocide, so Tori has a meeting with her. The prosecuting attorney basically says "Um yeah, so you want me to put the President on the stand and ask her to testify that she had a drug-induced vision about seeing Baltar with a Six? Sure thing..." So it is agreed that Baltar will only be charged with his New Caprica crimes, since they have some actual evidence for those. Tori looks frelling awful, like she hasn't slept in weeks.
Throughout the ep, there are snippets of a song that can be heard coming out of various radios and microphones. It's very distorted and difficult to understand, and it's clear early on that not everyone can hear it. Tigh, in particular, finds it very distracting, and so does Anders. Anders and Ceelix are either sleeping together, or just very good friends. Anders has signed up for basic flight training and has cut his hair (pity).
Back at the trial, Tigh is put on the stand. He's clearly had a few drinks, and is still hearing that damn song -- he keeps having to ask the prosecutor to repeat her questions. He testifies to being the leader of the resistance, and being in a position to know what Baltar was doing because he saw all of the documents leaked to them by their source on Colonial One. The prosecutor, clearly ignorant of this being a touchy subject, asks him about Ellen (trying to say, look, he lost his wife because of Baltar, don't you feel sorry for him?). Tigh mumbles something about her dying in the exodus from New Caprica, but it's clearly an uncomfortable question, so the prosecutor doesn't pursue it.
Lampkin can see Tigh is hiding something, and he asks Lee what happened to Ellen. Lee doesn't know either, but all Adama can see from the bench is that Lampkin leans over to Lee, Lee answers, and the next thing he knows, his oldest friend is being forced to confess to murdering his wife in front of a mob and the press. (Lampkin drags it out of him.) Tigh is (continued...)
( continues...) now REALLY upset, both because of the Ellen thing and because of that damn music that he doesn't realize only he can hear. Adama takes Tigh back to his quarters and puts him to bed. Poor Tigh.
Roslin is put on the stand, and testifies to being on the death list that Baltar signed. Lampkin asks for a recess before the cross.
He needs information to undermine Roslin's character for Baltar's defense. Baltar is all set to go with the "she's a religious fanatic" angle, but Lee thinks he has something else. He's reluctant to come forward, though, because it's just a suspicion, nothing solid. Lampkin scolds Lee for being sooooooo into "the system" except when he's got information that might help Baltar, so Lee relents.
Lee then goes to talk to his father. He wants Adama to remove himself as a judge due to a conflict of interest. Adama agrees that he hates Baltar and thinks he's a traitorous cowardly piece of garbage, but he won't step down. He wants Lee to step down as assistant defense counsel, which Lee won't do because he thinks everyone deserves a fair trial. Their argument escalates until Lee removes his uniform insignia and says "I won't serve under a man who questions my integrity." Adama takes the pin without blinking and responds "And I won't have an officer under my command who doesn't have any." (Yes, you read that right...Lee has quit the military.)
Do anyone else keep obsessively checking this thread to see if Jess has posted?
Who me?
Poor Tigh.