Quite a few tidbits and discussion about an endgame for Lost.
Some here [link]
This would be a real shocker:
Here's one for you. ABC Entertainment head Stephen McPherson admitted they're seriously considering running all of next year's 22 episodes consecutively, but they're not sure whether that would happen in the spring or the fall. Lindelof and Cuse say it's possible to do it.
another shocker was the network deigning to discuss when it should end.
It's all a giant conspiracy, they just had that meeting to give lapsed fans like me some hope and get our viewership back. Lies! All lies!
(Damnit, I'll so be watching, you bastages)
So, Ausiello has confirmed that Starbuck is NOT a Cylon. She will not be appearing in the last 3 eps of the season, but the reason is not that she is a Cylon and has been boxed, as was rumoured.
I really don't want to believe that she'll die. Any other ideas? I suppose she could always get shot through a wormhole...
When she returns can she bring Crichton back with her, since Ben Browder's apparently going to be available now?
Crichton might get airlocked if he makes too many pop-culture references. Or he'll be worshipped as the prophet that will lead them all home to earth.
But first, the cylons will capture him and torture him with sex in order to find his wormhole knowledge...
Might she be in a coma for the rest of the season?
She finds Earth on her own and is chillin' in Miami Beach?
Huh. I didn't mean to come in here. This is funny, because I just told dh last night that Starbuck must be the Cylon that D'Anna saw in the Eye of Jupiter.
I wonder who the Cylon is. Roslin, anyone? Could a Cylon get breast cancer?
i'm not all that concerned with being spoiled for BSG. so i've stumbled in here.
Juliebird's pitch would give me so many happies.
D'Anna's apology to the mysterious cylon made me think it was someone she had personally slighted. so who could that be?
oh and silly question, but do cylons age? were they ever itty bitty Six's and Boomer's?
oh and silly question, but do cylons age? were they ever itty bitty Six's and Boomer's?
No -- Sharon Agathon said that the Cylon doctors had never treated a child.