Try stronger spirits.
Spoilers 3: First Mutant Enemy, Now the World
[NAFDA] Spoilers for any and all currently running TV shows. All hardcore spoilage, all the time. No white font.
Woah...I just mainlined the first 5 eps of S3. It's gonna be one hell of a ride.
I will say that eps 3-4 are better than 1-2. 1-2 are just so different from anything else the show has ever done, it's difficult to get into the rhythms of the planet-based stuff. (That, and the real-world parallels are a little too on the nose at times. I mean, it's not their fault that Iraq has ruined the word "insurgency" for fiction forever, but still.)
Episode 5 is incredible.
Baltar on board the Cylon ship is the funniest thing EVAR. Oh, and he still has a Mind!Six! Even though the real one is standing right there! And disagreeing with the version in his head!
Oh, and he still has a Mind!Six! Even though the real one is standing right there! And disagreeing with the version in his head!
Can't. Wait.
thanks bunches for the info. I am most excited for this premiere. Excellent.
Jo/Maya dies on New Caprica during the evacuation. The baby miraculously lives, is rescued by Baltar, given to D'eanna, and is currently being raised on the Cylon ship. (Currently of ep3.)
Yeah they wouldn't let Jo/Maya do both series on the same network. Erica was bummed.
She worked all night on BSG and then came into work with her hair filled with charcoal and feeling like hell. And then shot a full day with us.
Baltar on board the Cylon ship is the funniest thing EVAR. Oh, and he still has a Mind!Six! Even though the real one is standing right there! And disagreeing with the version in his head!
I feel guilty for even reading this thread, but this is the awesomest thing ever. I hope they prove once and for all that he is just plain nuts.
The tribes on Survivor will be reshuffled after the second immunity challenge -- don't know exact details, but I'm guessing it'll happen at the beginning of ep 3.
sad to hear of no more Erica on BSG, but as that show has a habit of introducing interesting tertiary players and doing nothing with them, I'll selfishly consider it for the best that she can now dedicate herself full-time to Eureka (and not be so tired anymore!).
BSG has so much story potential that it just never explores, it's frustrating.
Is it known whether Ron and David had plans to beef up Maya's role before the conflict of schedules/contracts came about? (not that it matters at this point)
I think this should go here, even though it's fairly public. Re HEROES: I've seen a few promo things, one an ad in Rolling Stone, and one a News+Notes in Entertainment Weekly. In both of them, the artist is nowhere to be seen. The ad in RS is just the other six with powers (no Mohinder either), and the EW news bit, also had Nikki's kid, and Leonard Roberts next to the kid and Nikki (and Mohinder).