From spoilerfix re: Alias and Vartan's character...
According to the super-secret script, Vartan's character is killed off in dramatic fashion in the season premiere. ''In the show, Michael is investigating some case and is set up,'' said our spy. ''He gets shot numerous times but does not die on the scene. He makes it to the hospital where he eventually dies.'' Vartan's onscreen paramour, Sydney Bristow, aka Garner, is with him when he flat-lines and has to identify his body. As promised, the writers work Garner's real-life pregnancy into the plot of the show, leaving Bristow pregnant with Vaughn's child. For the rest of the season she is on a mission to find out who killed her baby's father.
Can Alias have a Jeebus Slug? Alias needs a Jeebus Slug.
X Files didn't have a big red ball in the sky that turned people into zombies.
According to the super-secret script, Vartan's character is killed off in dramatic fashion in the season premiere.
Huh -- I'd read that he wrapped his last ep, but I didn't hear that it was the premiere!
I can't decide if I hope it's true or not. (On the plus side, Vaughn's dead! On the down side, the answer to "My name's not really Michael Vaughn" is more likely to be lame if he's not around when we find out what it is.)
Can Alias have a Jeebus Slug? Alias needs a Jeebus Slug.
X Files didn't have a big red ball in the sky that turned people into zombies.
Seems like a pretty even trade to me.
The shows were great last night. Just the kind of happy I needed. Awesome. Agree with all your comments in the spoiler review, Jessica. I love Anastasia Dualla and Felix Gaeta. There were so many satisfying character bits in all all three shows. Actually, all their bits were hot.
Interesting Lost spoilers:
Notably, a number of new characters will be introduced in the next 5 or so eps. Also, the Hurley-centric ep will show Hurley right before he goes into the mental institution.
I'm getting a sneaking suspicion that Desmond will have a lot to do with breaking up Jack and TrainWreck!Bride. Though probably not in the specific manner I'd prefer.
"I think between the end of the first season and the start of the second there's about 35 seconds," he said. "So, you're right in the midst of this action."
Ah. I was wondering if it was going to be several weeks later or moments later. They could have gone either way, but this works for me. As we hover over the hatch....
j weewee is slated to guest on
Veronica Mars,
in episode 6.