I hope it's not just wishful thinking—she's easily the weakest performer left in the regular cast, IMHO.
I feel like she's created a character who has shown some growth while remaining essentially still Snickerbitch. I'd much rather lose Kate or even Claire than Shannon.
I'd happily lose Shannon, but I don't want her in X3. She just reads flat, flat, flat for me.
Lyra Jane is me. I'd be sad about Kate or Claire, but still. Of course this may have something to do with the fact that I'd have been just as useless in the beginning, maybe not as bitchy, but still useless.
It's the bitchy that bothers me, honestly. Useless? Whatever. Selfish? Oddly, she's unredeemed.
I'd probably be as bitchy for the first hour or so, realize I was useless and start being nicer. But I can totally see me in a plane crash all "WTF is this shit. Assholes!" and lashing out angry at the universe in a totally ineffective way.
But you know, whatever. I like cilantro, olives and salt, so I'm clearly not to be trusted.
I'll admit I'd have probably had a very similar response to the crash itself, but I like to think the realization that it was necessary to pull my shit together and start helping would take hold a few days sooner.
I thought she did well enough in the first few episodes, but since well before "Hearts and Minds" she's been reminding me of a cardboard cutout.
what it comes down to for me...I can't see why the fuck Sayid would want to be with her. So because of that, she needs to go.
I'd rather see Sayid with her than lusting after Kate, like every other man on the island.
Am I alone in my Kate hate?
Well, it would be nice if they had more women featured. I don't hate Kate yet...but that's because I think the writing of her has been weird. If I get over the weird motivations, I think she is a good actress.
I am HOPING the new character will be a romantic interest for Sayid. I think they would make a hot couple.