Lost: (from reality blurred)
Survivor Australia winner Tina Wesson has been cast in ABC’s hit drama Lost — that is, if an IMDB listing is to be believed. Tina will appear as a character named Alex Rousseau, according to the listing. Samuel L. Jackson is also listed as a second-season premiere guest star, which might add to the speculation that this is a hose job.
However, Tina may have actually already filmed a scene for Lost that aired. In the finale, someone from the cabin of a boat hurled a molotov cocktail at the raft, and screen captures of that quick moment show a woman who looks just like Tina. An astute poster at Reality TV World’s message boards suggested that it might be Tina late in May; the listing seems to confirm it.
Very cool. Thanks! Lost is open to add all kinds of people at any given moment.
Sounds like I won't be shedding any tears over BSG deaths. Which is good since I don't want my favs to die. I'm protective that way.
They may have hired Tina Wesson to portray a sixteen year old character?!?
I guess they could be thinking ahead to explain the rapid aging Walt will appear to undergo...
I was gonna say. Tina Wesson looks kind of, um, weathered for a teenager. Even if we say that the island doubled her age, that is still only 32. She is, like, 45, right?
Besides, think of all those sad erstwhile Dawson's Crick refugees who might take the role of Alex (prematurely aged or not).
Maybe it's opne of those iMDb things where the contributer got the casting right, but the name of the character wrong.
And here I was thinking: I guess Rousseau was in a lesbian relationship or something...
So...I read "Watch with Kristin" and she claims there is one character who is upset that s/he is getting written out of "Lost" around October and is threatening not to show up for any eps if s/he isn't cast in the full season.
Who might this be?
Huh. I read/saw that they didn't care about not being in the episodes, but wanted to be paid for them.
Speculation is that it's Maggie Grace, as she supposedly had a "turn down the role or get canned" order about signing on as Kitty Pryde in X3. Which Variety reports she just did.
I hope it's not just wishful thinking—she's easily the weakest performer left in the regular cast, IMHO.