Cleolinda's recap for this episode. She's in fine form tonight.
Hee hee. You know, now I envy her. I want to achieve small-time Internet fame!
No WAY is acclaimed actress Kate Beckinsale (aaKB) a C cup! Her boobs are tiny and that was the world's most virginal bra (which was awesome in itself, much like the mismatched bra & panties from her big ocean-bathing scene). But it was such a great line that I totally forgive the factual inaccuracy of it.
Hear, hear.
Was there a reference of 4 or 16 this ep?
I thought Kate was hot 16 times.
heh heh heh. ahem. I think you know what I meant.
I want to marry Cleolinda and have a million of her babies.
Jack and Kate are juxtaposed over each other (far away, yet so close omg!) in half-transparency like a bad LJ icon that I will totally make as soon as I finish this recap. Man, just GET IT ON ALREADY. The End.
"When's your birthday?" Awww. Judging by Mercutio's answer, I'm going to say it's on the 14th of Noogie. Sawyer jackholes soulfully. - ibid.
So it looks like Michael is Walt's father. I liked their little scene there.
humpf. [link]
Loved the ep, and even kind of like Jin now, or at least sympathize with him.
The people who don't get the Sawyer pretty are wack. He was just gorgeous in the scene on the beach with Kate. Yum
I thought Shannon was one of the people at the campfire on the beach, or at least there was someone who looked like her.
As per linked on Cleolinda's website:
The Unofficial Driveshaft Website.
Check out the gallery.
I thought Shannon was one of the people in the campfire, or at least there was someone who looked like her.
Gosh, I guess I'm going to have to go rewatch the episode from the beginning...
What, you missed the human sacrifice?
Also, Post edited.