Redemption Song is totally my favourite Bob Marley song. The version off of Uprising, though,
the one from Songs of Freedom (which is a live version with audience noises).
So, obviously, I have no choice but to love Sawyer forever.
I think the song fit with the episode brilliantly on a number of levels, but if we stick to the title, it's the perfect theme song for Lost, since that's what they keep doing -- redeeming, and redeeming, and redeeming. And not always for the good.
So, obviously, I have no choice but to love Sawyer forever.
You have a very hard life.
You have forced me to dig out all my reggae cassettes! That's right, I said cassettes!
I looked for mine, too. I seem to have lost them in a move. My Marley is missing.
I have Legend (just don't tell ita), and I owe you a favor. Want it?
Obviously we're not doing enough advertising, or Matt would have gotten the song title right. I'd better make some calls.
More advertising wouldn't help, as I had a browser window open to Legend to make sure it had the songs I thought I remembered not 5 minutes before posting and still got the title wrong. Isn't it enough that they make me long for sunlit white sand beaches despite being miserable anytime the temperature climbs over 80°?
Isn't it enough that they make me long for sunlit white sand beaches despite being miserable anytime the temperature climbs over 80°?
Okay -- you're off the hook. I think we can call this one a win.
despite being miserable anytime the temperature climbs over 80°?
They do make sweat look really good.
Well, you get the ocean breezes and you know, there's always the ocean to help wash away the sweat and cool down.
Whenever I think of Bob Marley, I think of Three Little Birds. It's a staple of mix tapes.
Always makes me happy.
This is a post and run but I had to tell y'all. We took the kids to Disneyland for dinner on Friday night (getting our money's worth from those annual passes!) and as we got on the escalator from the parking structure, who should be going up? Jorge Garcia! He was very gracious, said HI and shook hands w/ my 9 yo son. Unfortunately, I am now banned by my children from talking to celebrities as the only coherent thing I said was "DUUUDE", thus ensuring my place in the Parents Who Embarass Their Children Hall of Fame. He was so nice to stop and talk to us, the poor guy must have been so tired of people gawking and pointing. My son is still floating, I'm sure it'll be the talk of the playground today!