Boone said something about not being able to get first class - booked, maybe? And I got the idea that the plane Hurley was supposed to be on was the one flying overhead when his car broke down, so he'd have been last minute also. It is curious that so far I don't think a single one of them - except Hurley - even the ones who weren't in custody, actually wanted to be on that flight.
t /obvious. But still.
And I got the idea that the plane Hurley was supposed to be on was the one flying overhead when his car broke down, so he'd have been last minute also.
That's what I thought too, but the ticket he showed the bitchy lady was for 815.
Huh. I could swear there was a mention of 417 or something non-ominous somewhere in there. Guess not.
Where did the motor boat come from that The Others had? How did they get gas?
From the BP station on the other side of the island ("You'd think something this big would have been discovered by now!"), along with Freaky-Ass Island of Doom Resort and Spa(tm), managed by Owen T. Other but owned by Sandals. It's part of their chain of castaway resorts, for those who want to get away from it all permanently!
At some point there must have been considerable technological resources on the island to build the hatch and whatever radio setup it is that's been transmitting for 16 years. A small boat with a large leftover gasoline supply isn't much in comparison to that.
If the security system is mechanical, its speed and accuracy in being able to snare Locke from a distance is pretty impressive. If the island itself is artificial and mobile, that's an engineering feat that I would assume to be beyond the current capability of the US government, let alone that of any government 16+ years ago.
Walt's creepy gifts and the apparent ability of the string of numbers to influence events implies either the supernatural or a level of technology capable of manipulating probability (which would essentially appear supernatural to a modern day observer).
Maybe I'm not snarky enough by nature, but I was just reading the TWoP forums, and there are some seriously pissed off people there. I don't know about anyone else, but I loved last night's finale, and I didn't expect *every* single question to be answered because, hello, no reason to watch next season then, right? I don't know -- I didn't think it was a waste of time at all.
There are a few things I'm still wondering, though, and hoping will get resolved next season, including:
Did Ethan take Claire, or Rousseau? Because Claire's extremely brief memory flashback showed her scratching Rousseau, yes? Does Rousseau know Ethan? Were they together in some way? Did I miss something?
What about the black and white theme? Was that a throwaway? The black and white stones where the victims from the old crash at the caves were found, the backgammon pieces, etc. Didn't that seem more important earlier?
From the finale, I'm most interested in:
Who the scary boat people are. Why do they have a boat, and gas? And guns? Are they the "Others"?
Why do they want Walt?
What happened between Walt and Hurley (at the airport presumably) that resulted in that thumbs-up look from Hurley?
What the hell is the InvisioMechaSaur thing?!
If the security system is mechanical, its speed and accuracy in being able to snare Locke from a distance is pretty impressive. If the island itself is artificial and mobile, that's an engineering feat that I would assume to be beyond the current capability of the US government, let alone that of any government 16+ years ago.
Mobile? Wow. That would be freaky. But yeah, there's a whole strange combination of technological and apparently supernatural forces that seem weird together. Or are highly coicindental.
See, I just took it as Hurley being happy as all get out that he made the flight, noticing Walt looking at him (the last passenger on the plane), and giving him the thumbs up because he was so glad to be there.
Maybe I'm not snarky enough by nature, but I was just reading the TWoP forums, and there are some seriously pissed off people there.
I don't know about seriously pissed off, since I never lent it my heart, but I did think it was a crappy finale that accomplished pretty much nothing that couldn't have been accomplished in a regular 46 minute episode. Then at least the pacing would have been great.
Walt's creepy gifts and the apparent ability of the string of numbers to influence events implies either the supernatural or a level of technology capable of manipulating probability (which would essentially appear supernatural to a modern day observer).
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur C. Clarke
ETA - meaning: Word to MattTBF
PS - I liked the ep because I had sufficiently adjusted my expectations to less than the "awesomely mind-blowing experience wherein all your questions will be answered" that TPTB promised. I think it should have lost about 20 mins of commercials and it would have fit into a 90 minute with no problem. That "secret scene" shit was.. bull. Still want to know what happened in it though. (Heh. Sucka!)
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur C. Clarke
Oooh! So true, too. I still don't get how, like, cell phones work.
I did think it was a crappy finale that accomplished pretty much nothing that couldn't have been accomplished in a regular 46 minute episode.
I guess I'm just a slut for the pretty. I'd rather watch two hours of Sayid and Sawyer and, yes, even Jack, than anything else. The pacing could have been quicker, but I didn't mind it as I watched.
I just took it as Hurley being happy as all get out that he made the flight
Yeah, could be. I was just having fun imagining what else it could be.