And how did he [Locke] pick up on this [the smack] so soon? This is very interesting.
I think it's because he really is a Driveshaft fan and so followed their exploits in the tabloids. There had to be something about Charlie's recreational pursuits in the tabloids.
Was the father of the child on board? Back home? Has she talked about it at all?
Claire made that little "He's a big jerk and I don't want to talk about him and he's never going to be a part of our lives and I've accepted that now" face when she said, "I'm not married" to Charlie.
Did anyone else notice that the characterization was different this episode? Jack was a lot more perky/cheerful, which I can sort of see because he probably got some sleep in the last couple of days (but he said it had been 8 days, and didn't he say 6 when he was yelling at everyone about how he found water and we'd go get it the next morning?), but seemed a little drastic. Kate seemed more dreamy, more relaxed, flirtatious. Charlie was a firecracker, though I'm chalking that up to the smack-tapering-off plan. Locke was dreamier, settled, a little less creepy-creepy and more congenial-creepy. The rest, I didn't notice anything obvious.