I was wondering how it ended up in the safe deposit box too. Kate is drawn as being capable of badassness and deception. We just haven't seen enough of it. Did we discover she had been married, or is my memory faulty?
She certainly will do anything to get what she needs/wants. The bank scene shows this and her willingness to let Sun take the rap shows this too. She has a clear ability to only give up info as needed.
The safety deposit box was somewhere rather southwesternly. . . Tom and the hospital were in Iowa.
DH thought she killed someone in the bank; I thought she shot everyone in the legs.
We still don't know what Kate's crime(s) were. She had a trunk full of licenses plates and seemed pretty familiar with using motels and changing her appearance so I got the feeling that she's been running and scamming for a long time.
We don't know what her crime was or any that were there's still a chance it could be something bad.
Sawyer and Jack are the only two that know she killed a man right? And neither know the circumstances so they could both think that she actively killed someone rather than just being the cause of his death.
We still don't know what Kate's crime(s) were.
Two weeks away from the end of the season, with her supposed badassedness being all tell and no show, not knowing is a problem for me. From what we've seen onscreen, I'm not convinced her backstory's worth waiting for.
Plus, as someone else noted, what did she do that freaked her mom out to see Kate?
Did we discover she had been married, or is my memory faulty?
She said she was, in the "have you ever" game with Sawyer. Of course, she also said she killed someone. I wonder if she meant Tom.
Two weeks away from the end of the season, with her supposed badassedness being all tell and no show, not knowing is a problem for me. From what we've seen onscreen, I'm not convinced her backstory's worth waiting for.
Plus, do we need yet ANOTHER Kate-centric episode? Certainly not this season.
However, it just occurred to me that for the two-hour episode, they might hit everyone's back stories a little. Hmm. Off to the spoiler thread to see if anyone's delineated whose episodes the next few are...
There's also the fact that there was some pretty major league police pursuit almost instantaneously after Kate made a break for it. That says to me that whatever she did in the past was bad enough that they either had a huge stakeout around her mom or the mere mention of her name got the kind of response normally reserved for the Blues Brothers. That coupled with her mother's horrified reaction makes me hope it will still be something good and Bond villain-ish.
Why isn't Sun mad at Kate for suggesting that Sun poison Jin after she found out it also allowed Kate to get a place on the raft that she needed so badly?
I think Sun might be the last person on that island to pass judgement on someone for having an urgent need to run away.