Suh-weet party.
I can report with confidence that DDK and Harold Perinneau are charming, sweet, and much hotter in person. JJ Abrams is a total cutie, and Greg Grunberg looks totally huggable although I did not test this thesis.
The fans looked chipper and happy and having a good time, and the polar bear went unmolested.
So glad the party went so well. I hope Allyson had a good time and is now recovering from the stress.
Was Allyson happy with the turnout, ita? I hope a fabulous time was had by all!
Oh, good. Sounds like it went well. It must've been so much fun to attend.
Sounds sweet, indeed! We need more details. And pictures.
It really was very fun. i got to see Harold P. and DDK, and the guy who played Ethan, and the guy from Alias, and talk to cool people. I even met the Partyman, and Jengod.
Allyson and Kristen, as always, did very good.
I am home. I am tired.
Quite a few people asked if The World's Hottest Security Team is actually, like, a real security firm type thing. One of the writers thought they were in fact a security firm who only hired unbelievably hot people.
VIP! I knew everything I saw on tv was real!
In honesty, the guys had their pictures taken more than once -- sometimes with their participation, sometimes stealth-like. There was oohing, and also ahhing. It was very funny.
Allyson -- it was a great party.
I'm trying to articulate why I thought it was "better" than W&H. I think it was more remarkable, maybe, not better, so much. Because the fandom's kinda young and unformed. Because, despite Fury, you're just some chick to JJ.
I know I only know a fragment of the crap and complications that went on backstage -- I think the rest of your guests knew even less, and wouldn't believe you if you told them.
The show folk looked excited to be there (apparently, part of the reason it was slow getting DDK and HP out of the VIP room was that there were other show folk they were meeting for the first time) and
DDK and HP looked touched and honoured to boot. JJ -- he seemed even more touched.
The guys were patient with the fans (who looked great and didn't need
much securing).
The decor was really nice, the bear a coup.
I think it was just great.
One of the writers thought they were in fact a security firm who only hired unbelievably hot people.
They aren't? Which part of the sentence isn't true?