Oh Lordy—DrMax at TwoP just made me snort cola out of my nose while reading a complimentary post about the Lost storylines including this:
And Claire’s baby, even if he turns out to be a devil spawn condemning all the world to oblivion, was sooooo cute! Is him a darling wittle Omen baby? Yes him is!
Not so sure I agree about the cuteness, though at least the Mystery Baby looks the part, what with the Willow Eyes and all...
what with the Willow Eyes and all...
Bah-ha! I'm sure it's all angle and shadow, but that's funny.
I'm sure it's all angle and shadow
And this is why you'll get eaten. It's
just angle and shadow on Lost Island. Or, if it is, I'm going to be very pissed off come the end of the season.
Sorry other Jack, but Cleolinda's quote re this Jack so perfectly encapsulates all of fandom that I had to tag it.
Oh yeah. I'm total mechasaur bait. It's sad, really. (Now, if one eye had been white and the other black...)
Had a little fun with Photoshop that you guys might appreciate.
Hee. It's the little "Vincent?" that makes it perfect.
What a terrible shock Boone's death was.
I was a little traumatized by it. Because there I was, scribbling notes for Boone/Locke for the Spike, and then OH NOES.
Thanks, canon. Thanks a bunch.
You don't have the best luck with canon.
You don't have the best luck with canon.
When I stop to consider that I started out in LFN fandom, I realize that I really ought to be used to canon kicking me in the head. And then coming back from the dead in the fifth season to kick me some more.