Can we have some discussion regarding why Jack believes Locke murdered Boone?
In addition to what other people have said, Boone's deathbed mumblings probably made Jack suspicious, since it was clear that Locke had told Boone not to tell the others a secret, though not what the secret was.
What do people think Jack told Shannon about Boone's last words? Did he tell Shannon Boone luuuved her?
Jack knows that Boone's injuries were caused by something falling on him, not the other way around, that Locke didn't want Boone to tell something, and that Locke disappeared right after depositing Boone at the camp. I think it's a fair assumption on his part that Locke was suspiciously involved in Boone's death, even if "murdered" is a bit of a leap.
What do people think Jack told Shannon about Boone's last words?
I should think, "His last thoughts were of you" would suffice. And is true.
Did anybody catch GMA this morning?
wow, lots of amputation talk here today. That's...nice.
What do people think Jack told Shannon about Boone's last words? Did he tell Shannon Boone luuuved her?
I think he would have kept it professional without revealing too many clues.
What he would have said:
1. Boone fell
2. He had massive injuries
3. He died last night.
What he wouldn't have said:
1. Anything about a hatch or plane
2. Or Locke for that matter [because this just became personal for Jack]
3. I don't think he would have said anything about Boone saying "Tell Shannon - I..." [The thought was incomplete and would not help for closure.]
You don't think "His last thoughts were of you" would help closure?
I think he would have said that, but nothing specific.
Sorry, sorry.
I suspect that Jack trotted out his standard "but his injuries were too severe" Doctor Speech. He might try again at some later date, and get across stuff like feelings, but he's probably got a lot of practice for the Doctor Speech. His psychological issues notwithstanding, I don't bet there's ever been a surgeon who didn't lose
on the table.
Were we the only ones to yell "Dave! MOOOOOOOO" at the screen during that first tying the bow tie scene?
DH caught that. I didn't, sadly.
Nutty has traumatized me with the speed vs. precision amputation.
Does Jack know enough of the Shannon/Boone story to think of telling her that? "His last thoughts were of you" is something I'd say to comfort a spouse or a lover, not a sibling.