I don't consider Kate the most competent. Well, okay, given that Charlie was the alternative, probably the right choice.
Also, I really liked the dynamic of Sun with Jack. She really is capable and helpful and rational under pressure. And Jack needed her help.
damn. the medical stuff was very very squicky for me and I couldn't even be in the room during the fakeout amutation buildup.
Not only was I in the hall, I was *down* the hall, in the bathroom, with the door closed and the faucet running.
I'm with Nora and Steph. I went into the kitchen and washed dishes, figuring I could watch that part via fast forward later. I also left during the first few minutes of Alias.
Hey, this episode was written by the wife of my BF's boss (host and Exec. Prod. of the show the BF produces). The boss is a motorcyclist and got Compartment Syndrome a couple of years ago from an accident, that's where she got the idea for Boone's leg. In Boss's case, he walked away from the accident and everyone thought it was a miracle. That evening he was at dinner with a friend who was a doctor and mentioned his leg was stiff and he was tired. The friend took a look and rushed him to the hospital. Another hour or so, and he apparently would have died or lost his leg.
I knew the Comprtment thing was gonna be on the show in some form for about a month now, but didn't know how. Cool.
I don't think it was Kate's SO. I think it was her kid.
We don't know Baby of DOOM!'s name, right? And, yes, what on Earth was she doing standing?
Shannon will never ever have sex again. This makes me laugh.
I think Mrs. Jack died.
And Kate really needed to hit Jack with something so as to incapacitate him for a couple hours.
Loved Jin's "Dude, don't go over there" to Charlie.
We don't know Baby of DOOM!'s name, right? And, yes, what on Earth was she doing standing?
Pretending she could. Six seconds later? "Someone take—my–bay..." *whump.* [passes out]
Funny how Sawyer didn't kid or quibble when Kate demanded the alcohol.
Also, Somerhalder is expected to be on GMA in...five hours and change.
Funny how Sawyer didn't kid or quibble when Kate demanded the alcohol.
I rolled my eyes. I also rolled my eyes when Boone sounded all...well, not really stupid and stuff. I guess near-death makes you eloquent.
Is it wrong that I was kind of hoping the cargo door would come down on its own, after Jack had admitted defeat, just because it would have made me giggle?
I didn't know you could snap a leg off with a cargo door. That's good to know.
Is it wrong that I was kind of hoping the cargo door would come down on its own, after Jack had admitted defeat, just because it would have made me giggle?
I hope it's not wrong, because this made me laugh and