Nora, I'm with you on the almost-amputation -- I just about ran out of the room. As it was, I called my Mom during that commercial break where it seemed like Jack was going to get all choppy-choppy on Boone and said "I can't watch this! See, this is why I almost didn't stick with the show after the first 20 minutes of the first episode! This is too traumatic!"
So Jack's pre-crash timeline is, roughly, Becomes Doctor ---> time elapses such that he develops mad surgery skillz ---> saves Ed's girlfriend's life ---> gets married ---> [indeterminate period of time] ---> rats out Dad for boozing it up and then operating ---> [inderterminate period of time] ---> Mom guilts him into going to Australia to find his Dad.
I'm assuming that the marriage ended in one of those [indeterminate period of time] brackets, though maybe not.
The writers confirmed that the voice on the radio was saying "No, we're the survivors of flight 815," NOT "There were no survivors of 815."
I've been wondering where the invisible mechasaur-epileptic tree-King Kong monster has been -- maybe it's been eating the *other* survivors....
I expected the baby to be born with a forked tongue or cloven hooves or something. Or to, I don't know, eat Jin or something. I was actually a little disappointed that it didn't assume demonic form. new eps for 4 weeks? Damn.
I loved it when Hurley said "you're looking kinda goth" to Jack.
I had just been thinking that Jack looked convincingly pale and sickly after having donated blood.
I've been wondering where the invisible mechasaur-epileptic tree-King Kong monster has been -- maybe it's been eating the *other* survivors....
I was just thinking this tonight.
Jin and Charlie were so damn cute during the birth scenes (I loved DKD's non-verbal "You REALLY don't want to go over there"). I smell a new romance in the air. Or at least a new slash pairing.
Sun also rocked.
I kinda wish they had taken Jack's savior complex all the way, but part of me is really glad they didn't.
Whew! That was quite gross. Loved the opening stab of the chest. I didn’t think for a moment they were going to amputate the leg though. The leg was nasty. Boone was never better. RIP, or not!
The demise of Boone creates an opportunity for Shannon to get more interesting. Hey, I’m an optimist.
Sun and Jin have never been better. Sun with the sea urchin solution and telling Jack where it was at on the leg chopping. The interaction between Sun and Jin when they had no other option. The way Jin comforted and calmed Charlie and the wondrous joy over the baby. Wow.
John Locke has some ‘splainin to do!
The Partyman remembers that he hasn't seen the new episode yet and so hides....
And people looked at Claire! I enjoyed the community gathering round to see the new member. I haven't a clue what they are going to do with a baby though. Keeping a small baby in the cast is a pain, but having it kidnapped seems lame. I don't know if they have the courage to kill it off.
That was the cleanest newborn in the history of human births. And hey, no messy placenta! I want a uterus like Claire's.
I liked the way the backstory was cut, but the Jack-unable-to-let-go stuff didn't quite work. I saw it with Boone, nsm with Mrs. Jack, since he married her after all. But whatever. Boone's dead!
[eta: And check out the dueling tagline action! Woot!]
John Locke has some ‘splainin to do!
Oh yeah - that's HUGE - is there anyone's shitlist he won't be on now (even if they don't want to let Jack go all Wrath of Doc on him)? Even Charlie knows there's something hinkey going on with Locke.