Here is the promo breakdown for next week's
"Do No Harm"
We open with a title card saying NEXT WEDNESDAY, and don't get any narration.
We fade in on a shot of Boone laid out on a stretcher. He gasps as we here Jack shout:
Jack (OS):
"Keep him steady!:
Shannon (OS):
"Jack, what's going on?"
Cut to a shot of Hurley standing next to a translucent wall, as he tries to see what's going on.
Fade to black, then fade in on a shot of Shannon looking down and crying.
Jack (OS):
"You are not going to die."
Cut to a close up of Jack as he leans over Boone.
Jack (continued):
"I am going to save you."
Fade to black, then fade in on a daytime shot of Claire standing in the jungle, holding on to a branch for support, as she feels her belly and grimaces.
Kate (OS):
"Claire? What are you doing out here?"
Switch to a close up of Kate in the daytime jungle, looking concerned.
"Oh God, you're having the baby."
Fade to black, then cut to a close up of Sawyer (it's nighttime in the shot) as we hear:
Kate (OS):
"Somebody HELP!"
Fade to black, then fade in on a nightime shot of Kate and Charlie looking at each other.
"You're going to have to deliver the baby."
Cut to a close up of Claire at nightime.
"I'm so scared."
Cut to a close up of Charlie, as he looks on, very concerned.
Kate (OS):
"I'm scared too."
Switch to a close up of Boone, as he lifts his head off the stretcher and struggles to speak.
Boone (in a hoarse whisper):
"Let me go, Jack."
Reverse to a shot of Jack, as he grimaces and holds on to something, like maybe keeping bandages tight.
"I'm not going to let you give up."
Finish on an extreme close up of Boone, who is struggling to hold on. He appears to be sitting up in this shot.
An all-new
next Wednesday at 8, 7 Central, only on ABC.
Bad Robot.
It would be really cool (but not in line with their plans, I'm sure) if Jack got all Fuck-Hippocrates in general. Tired and bitter and no longer treating.
didn't like him hesitating on the treatment, if they're going to paint it as him being antagonistic towards Sawyer, and then turning around and doing it to impress Kate without it being dickery. Because, assholish as Sawyer is, I still don't see that as remotely neutral to good behaviour. It's just not.
Give me pissy Jack, though, and I may (slightly) end up liking him.
Watching Sayid make those glasses made my loins flutter. Mmm. Men with tools.
Bye, Boone! Don't let the cabin door hit your ass on the way out!
So d'you think later in the seasons our heroes will have the other end of the conversation Boone had on the radio?
Just as Boone etc probably consider themselves to be the only survivors, any other survivors of the flight probably assume the same.
You know we have to see Rose's husband at some point.
What worries me is I'm afraid the producers may be seeing Jack in spy/cowboy-vision, where the "good" protagonist is good because he's the main character rather than because he's someone who actually behaves in a moral manner. And never gets called on it. I would have liked that scene between him and Kate much better if she'd been somewhat disgusted and said "so your Hippocratic Oath doesn't matter, but impressing me does? What happens if someone you don't like gets sick and I'm not around to show off for?"
Note: I have no problem with Jack compromising his morals and acting like a dick. I just don't want to see it glossed over by the other characters and treated as if he's not doing anything wrong
Exactly what I meant to say, Matt.
I'm only pedantic about it because *I'm* Catholic, and yet I always manage to forget the actual definition sometime during the year and so hit my head every time we're reminded of it at Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Okay, now I'm confused. What is the actual meaning of "immaculate conception", then, if not "conceived without sex and so, by implication, fathered by God"?
Another question: Did Locke's father actually need the kidney himself, or was the plan to scam him out of it and then sell it? Because if it's option B, that's got to be one of the more convoluted and icky ways to make money I've ever heard of.
I am so over Boone, btw.
Jack so needs Lilah there to bust his chops about the moral failures. "You violated the professional ethics you devoted your whole life to out of spite, and then went back on your decision just to impress little old me? That's so sweet. Kind of like that sickly sweet smell that rot gives off."
Though I suppose her putting on glasses and faking a southern accent while riding him would have slightly different connotations in the context of this show.
The Immaculate Conception is directly about Mary, and indirectly about Jesus. It means that Mary was congenitally free of original sin. It is
the Virgin Birth.
The Immaculate Conception is directly about Mary, and indirectly about Jesus. It means that Mary was congenitally free of original sin. It is not the Virgin Birth.
Thanks, but I'm still floundering. Can you explain in more detail? What made her free of original sin?