"There were no survivors of Flight 815."
This is what I heard as well. Which suggests that that all/pieces of the Flight 815 have been recovered somewhere and casualities confirmed. The only ways I can parse this are;
1. The 815 did crash and everybody's dead and this is afterlife/purgatory, etc. which JJ and co. have said was NOT what they have planned.
2. The plane broke in half mid-air, right? What if the tail end of it landed in the "normal" ocean/universe where a search and rescue mission could be mounted, and the cockpit side of the plane with our survivors landed somewhere else off the map? Not just geographical map, but a place separate from the normal world--a tear in space-time continuum, a little pocket of AU where normal physical and biological laws do not apply? Of course, it'd have to be a weird-ass Bermuda Trangle-like place in which there could be a communication between two realities using radio waves.
I'm hoping that they don't go too far into Sci-Fi territory with the explanations. I don't mind unexplained coincidences, but rips in the space-time continuum is a bit much for this show, I think.
I was just starting on the TWoP thread for the ep, and someone pointed out another number reference--in the beginning, when Swoosie asks Locke about the footballs, he says, "Aisle 8 for regulation, Aisle 15 for Nerf."
It may just be as simple as the fact that when the plane went down, they never found it after extensive searching, and so presumed everyone on board died. So it's presumed nobody survived...but maybe people will start looking for them now...
(and maybe the island doesn't want them to be found and that's why the plane crashed to the ground at exactly that moment, before Boone could say more...)
I got an email that told me that "as a Christian, David Fury should..." and some advice on how to make LOST even better.
I was confused. I just replied, "David Fury is a Jew, though I'm not sure what that has to do with LOST."
"David Fury is a Jew, though I'm not sure what that has to do with LOST."
Uh, Jews did get lost in the desert for 40 years.
I think I'm supposed to be guesting on a LOST themed college radio show at 5:30. I think.
Uh, Jews did get lost in the desert for 40 years.
So the hatch is filled with milk and honey?
Just a bunch of manna, actually.
also? Every time someone mentioned "immaculate coneception", I yelled at the TV "That's not what that means!!"
Even if it's being said by someone who is canonically lying and at least a little crazy?
While you have a point, it's still a thing that's commonly confused. I'm only pedantic about it because *I'm* Catholic, and yet I always manage to forget the actual definition sometime during the year and so hit my head every time we're reminded of it at Feast of the Immaculate Conception. YICMV?
They'll probably show us the paralysis somewhere in season 3.
So true; I don't know why I was actually expecting to learn the thing I *wanted* to know.
I thought Mousetrap was a good metaphor for the series. Little pieces are put into place, and then Bam!