An email I received from the Lost street team had the following line about last night's ep:
There’s a lot more we can’t divulge, including a moment where you need to watch and listen very carefully or you will miss a big clue!
Everyone seems to be focusing in on the radio transmissions when Boone was in the cockpit, although there's not quite a consensus on exactly what the voice on the other end was saying. (There are no survivors of flight 815? We are the survivors of flight 815?)
I'm curious. What did everyone else hear? I still haven't figured out exactly what I think the radio transmission is, but the voice seemed familiar. I was thinking Sawyer, but I've seen speculation it was Boone himself.
What did everyone else hear?
It was very hard to understand, and I *thought* I heard, "There is no Flight 815," but I have no idea if that's what the voice on the other end said.
I also didn't tape it (stupid broken VCR) so I have no way to check.
"There were no survivors of Flight 815." That's what I heard.
"There were no survivors of Flight 815." That's what I heard.
That's what I heard, too (and what the CC said).
Wow... a thousand-year supply of heroin, just for Charlie!
This was my first thought exactly. Let's hope they stay hidden.
At least there are some
actual drug smugglers
that got trapped on the island instead of more pesky fireworks smugglers.
I am disappointed we didn't see Locke's paraplegic-causing accident; I thought I saw it coming a million times. They tease awfully. I did see it coming when Locke got hit by a car. Saw it comin' with Michael, too, but Locke is much more bouncy, I see.
Saw Boone's second plane crash coming, too. Though at first I was yelling "cheeeeeaaaaaating!" at my TV after Locke woke up--was convinced that the dream was all the plane (and re-paralyzed Locke) we'd see.
also? Every time someone mentioned "immaculate coneception", I yelled at the TV "That's not what that means!!".
It's possible I take this show too seriously.
(Mousetrap! I *heart* that game! I wonder if my grandma still has it...)
I was thinking he sounded exactly the same as when he was explaining backgammon to Walt.
Well, Michael's car was going at an estimated 20+ mph, and Locke's was barely getting started out of the parking spot, so the force at which the two were hit would have been significantly different. Don't forget, though, that Locke HAS A PURPOSE!
They'll probably show us the paralysis somewhere in season 3.
also? Every time someone mentioned "immaculate coneception", I yelled at the TV "That's not what that means!!"
Even if it's being said by someone who is canonically lying and at least a little crazy?