I'm amused that they made such a big deal about Jack not treating Sawyer in the episode description. Because I think his resolution to not be the Good Doctor for once lasted about 15 seconds once he actually saw Sawyer looking ill.
But he did have himself some fun in the process of treating him. This has got to be the most relaxed we've ever seen Jack. Just in time to have his head fucked with next week!
Hurley, with the good one liners!
What did he say again?
I wonder if Locke's legs failed him so that he wouldn't be the one to climb into the plane and be injured. His legs seemed to get better once Boone completed the mission.
He said that Sawyer looked like Harry Potter steam-rollered. (I think.)
Right! thanks for the reminder.
Just popping in to say that I will post the promo breakdown tonight. I was way too tired last night to do a proper breakdown.
I was disappointed that Sawyer's problem was that he needed glasses. I was expecting bigger things from his "illness". Soon you'll be telling me that the promos are intentionally misleading. (They really do drqw out the tension in this series, don't they?)
The glasses bit was my favorite part of last night's episode.
The glasses bit was my favorite part of last night's episode.
JZ's comment about the eyeglass diagnosis and creation: "Now I am all smitten with Dr. Jack's competence. And Sayid's. And their pretty mouths. I like competence and pretty mouths."
An email I received from the Lost street team had the following line about last night's ep:
There’s a lot more we can’t divulge, including a moment where you need to watch and listen very carefully or you will miss a big clue!
Everyone seems to be focusing in on the radio transmissions when Boone was in the cockpit, although there's not quite a consensus on exactly what the voice on the other end was saying. (There are no survivors of flight 815? We are the survivors of flight 815?)
I'm curious. What did everyone else hear? I still haven't figured out exactly what I think the radio transmission is, but the voice seemed familiar. I was thinking Sawyer, but I've seen speculation it was Boone himself.
What did everyone else hear?
It was very hard to understand, and I *thought* I heard, "There is no Flight 815," but I have no idea if that's what the voice on the other end said.
I also didn't tape it (stupid broken VCR) so I have no way to check.