Those are not the droids--um the characters I want, necessarily, to know more about. Hurley, Jin and Sun, Walt, Michael, Rose, Scott, or Steve, whichever one is left now, and Ethan would be the characters I want to know more about. I'm a bit displeased that the network thinks these are the six most important characters.
I keep wishing that Jack had perished as the producers had intended so we wouldn't have to keep dealing with wodges of each show focused on Hero Doctah Jack and maybe some of the "secondary" characters could have become a bit more prominent.
Less Charlie, more Hurley!
The spoilers guy at TV Guide said that the woman who plays Rose has been in a play, which is why she hasn't been on the island lately. She will show up before the end of the season, though.
I'm a bit displeased that the network thinks these are the six most important characters.
I agree with you, but I think the network is trying to catch up the non-watching potential audience and those are the six characters that have gotten the most backstory or whose stories best interweave. And in that case I think they picked the right ones.
Dropping by to note that I captured the promo for next week's new episode, but I haven't had time to break it down yet. I'll see what I can do tonight.
The promo looked VERY interesting.
As though Locke had angered the Island Gods of Walkyness or something.
Whoops, I forgot that new episode next week means promo on this week's re-run. Jeff Mejia is my hero!
Jeff! You're back! Did I know that?
Have you been posting promos all along?