I'm now thinking that what killed the pilot was an elephant. A ship with a zoo of creatures wrecked on the island and they're all running free.
Also, who says the others got sick? Maybe Danielle is the one who got sick. After all, she killed Robert, and at least implied that she killed everyone else (except Alex, who maybe escaped), and she didn't want them to be rescued--I got the impression because she didn't want the infection to spread. What if she just went crazy and killed everyone else because they didn't hear the voices or see things the way she did? Maybe she's the one who thwacked Sayid? He'd been gone 2 days, but who knows how long he'd been captive?
What if she just went crazy and killed everyone else because they didn't hear the voices or see things the way she did?
t Nestles into Deena's brain.
Maybe it's banshees.
Still Scarred by Childhood Viewing of
Darby O'Gill and the Little People
Wheee! It's so cozy in here! (Thanks, it was starting to echo.)
As long as you're not a
Maybe it's banshees.
Hee! laughed hard enough I had to explain myself. That was a fearsome movie (in more ways than one), wasn't it?
Greg suggests a wendigo for the monster and thinks Robert ate Alex. I keep telling him he needs to sign up and just say so himself, but he's afraid he'll get sucked in and never get out again.
Checks for Cleolinda's Lost crackrecap for tonight.
but he's afraid he'll get sucked in and never get out again.
And this is a bad thing because? The Republicans won and we've all been sucked into a fairy mound where we can't leave until the Elf Queen is dead. And since she's immortal, we may as well do the best we can to escape in any way we can. I'll stay here, thanyewverymuch.
I'll tell him you said so.
Sayid said he was responsible for Nadia's death.
He also told Danielle he had held on to the hope that she was still alive, so I'm guessing he's just assuming she didn't get away at this point.
Not that I wouldn't love to be proven wrong.