Well, cleolinda doesn't call him Vincent the Doomrador for nothing.
Also, Claire may be OK, but I'm not sure about Claire's possibly mystical/alien/zombie baby.
I think I would prefer it if Hurley's backstory shows him as the good-natured regular dude he appears.
TWoP calls him the Shifty-Eyed Dog of Doom.
I'll bet Scott and Steve will eventually wind up murdering everybody else in their sleep. Just to get more air time.
OK, so we have a bunch of secrets on the island, revealed to only a few selected people.
Only Kate, Sayid, Sawyer, Charlie, Boone and Shannon were to see OMGWTF POLAR BEAR and the creepy Frenchy signal, right? And someone (Kate, I think) told Jack.
Only Kate, Jack and Charlie saw what the invisimechasaur was capable of (mauling the pilot.)
Only Locke had looked eye-to-eye with the Eye/invisimechasaur.
Only Locke knows about the fact the island cured his paraplegia.
Kate's criminal past: only known to Jack and Hurley.
Charlie's smackfarthing habits: only known to Jack and Locke.
Jack's hallucination-maybe of his creepy dad: Only Locke knows.
Sawyer's past: Known only to Kate.
Sun speaking English: only known to Michael.
So, the holder of most secrets = Jack and Locke. What does that mean? I don't know. I have to work on this presentation for work and I'm in an avoid-y mood.
Kate's criminal past: only known to Jack and Hurley.
Hurley's gonna leak like a Yugo's engine block.
I wonder if the plane is going to turn out to be the Bridge At San Luis Rey. (Has anybody else read that?)
[it's not that I think I'm terribly literate, it's that I think the book has become obscure.]
I wonder if the plane is going to turn out to be the Bridge At San Luis Rey. (Has anybody else read that?)
I love that book SO MUCH.
so i posted megan walker's french translation over at the Fuselage and one of the poster's there had a response to it that i thought i would bring over here to discuss.
lostinamerica says:
Mon Nov 15 16:32:20 2004 [Edit/Delete]
tiggy--A while back I was wondering if anyone was going to come up with the French broadcast, and I'm glad someone did--I think there's an assumption being made that could be incorrect.
In the part "Il les a tue" or "He/It killed them," don't forget that in French, "les" can also refer to something plural that is not human. For example, you could say "Il a tue les chats" or "Il les a tue" for "He/It killed the cats."
If you wanted to say "He/It killed them" and expressly mean it was people who were killed I believe you would say "Il eux a tue," because "eux" is the personal pronoun. If you were having a conversation and it was already understood that the "les" referred to people you would use that, if not I think you would use "eux."
In any event, you can't conclude that it was people who were killed, because the way it's worded it could be either way.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. . .
thoughts? comments?
I wonder if the plane is going to turn out to be the Bridge At San Luis Rey. (Has anybody else read that?)
I haven't read it, but there seems to be film version of it in works: [link]