It's that clown-head thing you run a garden hose into (well, we did in the South in the 70s anyway), and it sort of randomly bobs around splashing the kids who play in its vicinity. Or, y'know, occasionally cracks them in the head as if possessed of its own malicious intelligence.
Though googling just now, I see that it's used to describe something entirely different.
Yeah, being tortured proved to be highly redemptive on that show WRT audience response.
I think it upped the Sawyer-love a little bit on this show. (And the Sayid love.) Note to writers, torture good.
They were, however, Buffy-themed boards and not Star Trek-themed ones even then.
Yes, they were indeed Buffy-themed boards, I am told.
However, I, having not been there, nor did I claim to have been there, mistakenly assumed the "Wesley delends est" was older than it was, and in my haste, made a leap that was, perhaps, not even remotely logical.
I hereby prostrate myself on the ground in front of the denizens of such boards, that were there at such a time as the actual event of the creation of the phrase.
To even have remotely dared to answer a question which, even though my primary goal was to give a reason for "delenda est," also included said extrapolation, was a breach of the utmost and egregious presumption.
I do indeed beg forgiveness.
The fireworks smuggling? I was assuming they meant someone had stashed a bunch of them in plastic in a crate or large luggage.
Must have been wrapped in asbestos, considering they survived the plane crash, the WaterWilly-like engine squirting jet fuel over everything, and the two post-crash fiery engine explosions without being lit
The same can be said, though, for the humans, their clothes, and everything else that emerged unscathed, or sliglty scathed from the crash.
I think it upped the Sawyer-love a little bit on this show.
Well, not precisely the torture itself, but his response to it, and the aftermath. Dude's still a dick, but he's at least an understadable dick. Understandable dick with killer dimples, damn him.
I don't know if the torture 'upped' my love for Jack and Sayid. Sayid, I already liked a lot, but this made me rather leery of his character. It did make Jack quite a bit more interesting to my eyes because of the moral graying.
Yeah, Jack lost a few points on his righteous meter that way.
I'm really not seeing any of these characters as completely clean. Well, that might be an overstatement. Claire, maybe. Jin. Hurley. They seem to have avoided torture, lying, scheming, theft, and so forth so far.
Give them time.
I'm really not seeing any of these characters as completely clean. Well, that might be an overstatement. Claire, maybe. Jin. Hurley.
Jin's clean? On the island, possibly, though he did attack Michael, but he's killed for the Mafia.
Walt's clean, and Michael's all right, though he's keeping Sun's secret.
Has Kate really done anything bad
on the island
? She's got a sordid past, but she didn't even kill the Marshal. Or try.
Damn, I meant Sun, not Jin. I'm stupid.
The kid seems pretty harmless so far. I have my doubts about the dog.
I really, really hope the dog is evil somehow. That would be so awesome. But seriously, Vincent has to become a plot point eventually. Why else would he be there? They gotta have big plans.