Let's not be calling for the early death of the character whose actor is the likeliest to be talked into doing as much nudity as network TV will allow!
Don't forget that DM has already revealed his buns on British TV, so it probably wouldn't take too much to get him to drop trou for ABC.
Charlie is almost always Charlie to me, too. I rarely (already!) look at him and think hobbit. And this is coming straight out of a major role in a major portrayal that I spent a great deal of time obsessing over.
I was worried at first that I would see a lot of Merry in Charlie, but there's been almost none of that (really, I see a lot of Dom in Charlie). But I think a lot of it may have to do with Merry's hair having always been a wig. Dom never had to show his own hair (or ears), so to see him as Charlie, there are actual significant feature differences in the characters. It will probably be a secret blessing to LotR actors that their images were all crafted to such a great degree.
But yeah, in part, we don't see any Merry in Charlie because that was never Dom's own hair.
i have no idea why they decided to go with GMT time. i think Artie explained it once, but i've since forgotten his reasoning.
Because GMT is proper time. It's not called the Prime Meridian for nothing, y'know.
I would meara, but I won't. I'll just say that I loathe TWOP for their smug pettiness and
that ita is still, 27 years on, pissed off about Kendra's accent. And I, too, recall the defense. IIRC, the dialogue coach claimed it was a perfect representation of a Cockpit County accent.
And I'd like Locke to die. Unless written by Fury, I find him a really unconvincing Deus Ex Machina character.
Oh, and although I found this week a bit tiresome - they need to move the island story forward rather than All Flashbacks - I was bloody impressed with the toughness; how many other shows have 2 of the main romantic characters actually physically torturing the third? (How many shows not written by Joss Whedon, that it)
I have the explanation for the island.
It's the island from The Incredibles!
Think about it.
He he. Someone on TWoP had that idea as well. He/she suggested the monster was an
It's the island from The Incredibles!
Well, of course! (Because, see,
the monster in The Incredibles was a giant Stitch robot,
Lilo & Stitch takes place in Hawaii, which is where Lost is shot! Everything's connected.)
Aw! The invisimechasaur is just looking for some love and understanding! Maybe he should take out a personal.
And I'd like Locke to die.
I just want to hear Walt say, "It's OK!
My dog has a chainsaw!
Just once. That's all I'm asking.
Ahahahahaha. I loved that line so goddamn much.
(Though I have to be anal and correct it to
My other favorite line was the line from the trailer which convinced me it might be worth watching. The nonchalant delivery of
"Aliens are attacking my house"
was just awesome. Then there was the Picasso joke.
I watched
Donnie Darko
this weekend for the first time... My current speculation on the
island is that it's in a parallel universe. IJS