[NAFDA] This is where we talk about the show! Anything that's aired in the US (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though -- if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.
Tell an ignorant newbie to read the FAQ. I used words like "perhaps" and "then," which made me come off as having an attitude. And frankly, I kinda did, in my head, since the guy misquoted and then was all, "Buh, I don't know how to post in these forums."
Brr. I prefer the Buffustas, where anyone can tell a newbie to read the FAQ or help out others.
Has TWOP always been like that? It kind of reminds me of being in a small, spunky startup that gets big enough wherea bureaucracy starts forming, and everyone gets "job duties" and reprimands when they help people out or give advice outside of their defined spots.
One thing the TWOP reviewer did was remind me of the whole Banoffee Pie thing: [link]
Have you read Couch Baron's VM recaps?
Yeah. I love that he loves the show that much. His VM recaps and Deborah's
Joan of Arcadia
recaps are pretty much the only ones I read regularly nowadays. Oh, and anything Jessica writes. Because I [heart] Jessica.
One thing I've noticed watching
eps again today is how friggin' gorgeous the show is. Especially the vibrantly verdant hills and mountains. Well, the pretty people don't hurt it, either. And I adore the non-montage music, which I understand is done by the same guy who did the music for
I assume he composed the ultra-catchy title theme for
'Cause I don't even like the show very much, but that music just makes me break into a dance--which is really not a pretty sight, I'm telling you, but whenever it starts playing, it's like I have no will of my own.
Has TWOP always been like that?
I think so? I've seen mods do the "please let the moderator do the moderating" thing several times. I can see the point in some way, but I also don't see what's so wrong with posters offering mod-type advice if mods aren't around. Just helping out, you know? Which I think is okay, and I've seen many people do it, but there's usually a "Welcome to TWoP" or a "please" in there, which I neglected to use, so I didn't come off so well.
But Buffistas is very different from TWoP. They both have their advantages and disadvantages. Someone could write a high school paper about it. The outline is due Tuesday!
One thing I've noticed watching Lost eps again today is how friggin' gorgeous the show is. Especially the vibrantly verdant hills and mountains.
Did you listen to the J.J. interview linked upthread? The interviewer mentioned that, and yeah.
And I adore the non-montage music, which I understand is done by the same guy who did the music for Alias. I assume he composed the ultra-catchy title theme for Alias?
Yes, and the music for
The Incredibles.
'Cause I don't even like the show very much, but that music just makes me break into a dance--which is really not a pretty sight, I'm telling you, but whenever it starts playing, it's like I have no will of my own.
He he. I was listening to Regina's commentary on "The Two," and when it came up, she said, "And this is the time on
when we dance!"
Has TWOP always been like that?
jengod got banned from TWOP years ago now.
Did you listen to the J.J. interview linked upthread?
Not yet, but I've bookmarked it. Should listen to it now. I like Elvis Mitchell & I miss his movie reviews on NY Times.
Yes, and the music for The Incredibles.
OK, I'm in love.
jengod got banned from TWOP years ago now.
Oh, I still remember the mass-banning from the BtVS board in... wow, it must be about three years ago. Like, with the naming of names, and people yelling "Fuck you and the bed you sleep in!" to the mods, and folks factioning off to form their own board elsewhere and stuff. Very dramatic. There used to be some pretty good discussion in there though. I lurked there quite a bit, but that was my pre-Buffistas days.
I was just going to mention about
The Incredibles
music being by the same composer! That is an enviable body of work.
Hers is real, I believe, as she actually is Australian. Just like DDK is actually Korean.
You remember how I have this rant I go on periodically that goes something along the lines of "Why can't they find a damned (Asian/Native American/etc.) actor that *is* the actual race being depicted?" And then someone always waves a hand in my general direction and says, "But what's wrong with people playing across Asian races when that's okay across European races?" And then I go on this whole other tangent about the reason that people can't tell Asian races apart is because on screen they are always portrayed as interchangeable. And then I have this last tangent about how I wouldn't mind if people played across all race lines, so long as minority actors could play Caucasian characters without eyebrow raising, just as Caucausian actors tend to have that freedom.
You remember that?
It's so nice that I don't have to do that for this show. It's really, really refreshing.
You know what else? I keep forgetting that it's the same actor that was in Roswell. I love that. I love an actor that can sweep me up so utterly in their portrayal that I have no memory of them ever being anyone other than their current character.
Charlie is almost always Charlie to me, too. I rarely (already!) look at him and think hobbit. And this is coming straight out of a major role in a major portrayal that I spent a great deal of time obsessing over.
I love an actor that can sweep me up so utterly in their portrayal that I have no memory of them ever being anyone other than their current character.
Oh yes. Every single one of these actors (of course, it helps that I've not seen most of them before) has really
their character. There is no Adam Knight in Boone, no Kendall in Locke, no Merry in Charlie, no Gavin in Jin. It's pretty damn awesome.
Okay, I may be exaggerating with the "no," of course, but I never really think of their other characters when watching the show because they're so
the ones they're playing at that moment.
Oh yeah! I was thinking how they have to kill off a main character eventually to let us know they're serious and anything can happen, etc. I think Jin should get eaten, freeing up Sun to hook up with Michael. And also, it would be either amusing or irritating to get Jin's backstory postmortem.
I think Jin should get eaten, freeing up Sun to hook up with Michael.
Aw, poor Jin.
I gotta agree though, in a way that's not at all related to the loveliness of DDK, Jin is the character I'm the least invested in. Or Boone, because he actively annoys me.
Someone over at TwoP mentioned that Walt's character will be problematic in the coming seasons if the island-time continues to tickle on slower compared to ours, because the actor is gonna grow, and grow SOON. One way to deal with this would be to kill off Walt (NOOOO!). Or fanwank Walt's accelerated growth as owing to the mysterious propoerties of the island.
I'm still afraid for Claire the most. 'Cause she's lovely and uncomplicated and sweet and even Sawyer acts less like a dick around her (in "Walkabout", there is a scene in which Sawyer gently hands over to her some of the effects of the deceased for the funeral pyre.) Her death will probably cause the maximum angst among the survivors (with the possible exception of Jack), and J.J. Abrams, he knows how to twist the knife.