IN re: DDK's accent being "off," DH emigrated to the US when he was four.
actually DDK said at the Fuselage that he was two when his family emigrated here.
Yes, I got that. My point was that immigrants continue to speak their native language the way they spoke it last in situ, while the language itself continues to evolve and change. So that when native speakers hear immigrants speaking their frozen-in-time version, it no longer sounds "authentic."
If anyone's interested, there's a good and non-spoilery interview with JJ Abrams here (under "recent programs").
Frankly, Kendra's clothing offended me more than her accent did. Heh
Now all I can think of is Kendra saying "That was me favorite shirt! That was me ONLY shirt!"
What I'd heard was that it was supposed to be a Jamaican accent. In fact, I think in the episode commentary, they mention it explicitly.
I think in the commentary, whoever is doing it says they did have a special coach come in and teach her this very specific accent of this very specific place. I think, perhaps, it was supposed to be a very specific
of Jamaica, but I'd have to go listen again to be sure.
I think in the commentary, whoever is doing it says they did have a special coach come in and teach her this very specific accent of this very specific place. I think, perhaps, it was supposed to be a very specific part of Jamaica, but I'd have to go listen again to be sure.
Yeah, that's what Marti said, I'm pretty sure.
I was 80% sure it was Marti - I could even hear her voice (in my head, as I was remembering) - but I wasn't positive. Glad to know I was right w/o having to check.
editted for clarity
I did all the commentaries earlier this year, and I remember the "What's My Line?" ones because I found them so interminably boring.
Ha! I think I have found my very favorite typo.
Thank you to the folks who copied DDK's posts so we could read them here. I scrolled around on the Fuselage VIP Archive a bit, but that format messes with my head. I hope people stop picking on him for his Korean now. Actually, I rewatched the last ep this morning (the kiss? still hott) and I noticed that his Korean sounded much smoother than in the first few episodes. Uh, not that I speak a single word of Korean, but in the first episode especially, I thought he sounded somewhat hesitant, like he was a bit rusty, but now he sounds a lot better to my (completely untrained and ignorant) ear.
the Kate-bashing there is a bit out of control, plus there has been tons of criticism of EL's acting there of late.
I actually think she's got quite a bit of talent. A lot of the other cast members outshine her, it's true, but I think she's holding her own.
So that when native speakers hear immigrants speaking their frozen-in-time version, it no longer sounds "authentic."
I even notice this when listening to American actors, newscasters, etc. in recordings or films from the fifties and earlier. The standard American accent has definitely shifted.
From the NYT article:
In other words, Mr. Abrams said, there's plenty of room to develop more characters without a need for outrageous plot turns. There's no need, for instance, to have another plane crash.
"No," he said, laughing. "Although I wouldn't rule that out."
That would certainly be a fun OMGWTF. Especially if, like, everyone on the island were dead but for, say, Hurley, and he's hoping to be rescued, and he sees a plane in the sky, and he waves his arms, and then it starts coming down down down and woo, explosions! The sky is falling! Action satisfaction!
And then the plane is totally empty.