You know, the Buffy comparison may work better if we flip the sexes, at least for some of the main characters.
Jack = Buffy. Ostensibly the hero. Wishes to run from the awesome responsibility. Daddy issues.
Kate = Angel. Dark, unspeakable past. Currently on the side of good. May become soulless under the right circumstances.
Sawyer = Faith. OMG, such a perfect fit. Deathly jealous of Buffy, I mean Jack. Incredible self-loathing + death wish. Looks to Angel/Kate for salvation.
Sayid = Willow. Smart techie. Capable of a great deal of darkness.
The rest maps out better to characters of their own sex. Shannon = Cordelia seems obvious. Charlie = Oz, although I see some Xander there, too. Sun = Tara. Locke is like a dark side of Giles.
t has snuggly, oh, so wrong thoughts about Vonnie
Vonnie's mapping is HAWWWT.
Woo-HOO! Pervy Gus snuggles!
Dooooooooood. (For the mapping, not the pervy snuggling.)
Let me note for the record, that I also find JenP's spicy brains to be Hawwwwt.
Dooooooooooood!!! (Hugs previous post and, completely non-pervily, it's poster)
Dooooooooooood!!! (Hugs previous post and, completely non-pervily, it's poster)
I'm so glad I got to meet you in DC. It makes it much easier to put your face to your posts and go, "Oh yeah, she's rocks!"
From what I've seen so far, I'd map Michael onto Xander (reluctantly becoming a family man, not so much into the magical side of things, protective, heck, he's even a construction worker!).
I'm so glad I got to meet you in DC. It makes it much easier to put your face to your posts and go, "Oh yeah, she's rocks!"
Right back atcha. Except, "...he rocks!" Well, and she rocks, too, because, dude, JZ? But you knew that.