I don't hate Kate.
But Jack? Bores me. Matthew Fox is pretty but doesn't seem to have a lot of chemistry with the other characters, and the character as written, particularly in this episode, is devolving into a fairly generic Good Guy Hero. Kate at least got pissy with Sawyer, which is nicely flawed.
I think the writers are trying to write a female hero, and having a hard time doing it while still satisfying the network's need to have a male hero around.
And I'm with Vonnie on not being impressed with Kate's schoolgirl crush. For all that she insists on staying on the beach to preserve the possibility of rescue, she sure dropped that transmitter fast enough when she heard Jack was hurt. Esp. since she left it with someone she really believes is in no way trustworthy.
I think Sawyer, while smart, is also totally that petty.
Plus, Kate has more interesting dynamic with Sayid, or even with Sawyer anyway.
See, but with keeping Jack, we get triangly tensiony goodness.
Plus, the previews for next week seem to be a good indicator that Jack's willingess to go all torturey will diminish some of that starry-eyed school girl infatuation.
For all that she insists on staying on the beach to preserve the possibility of rescue, she sure dropped that transmitter fast enough when she heard Jack was hurt. Esp. since she left it with someone she really believes is in no way trustworthy.
Yeah, what's up with that?
I think next week has the potential to turn some people around on Jack, Sawyer, and Kate.
I also think it will give us some nice surprises about Sawyer.
Yeah, what's up with that?
That's bad writing, I fear.
For all that she insists on staying on the beach to preserve the possibility of rescue, she sure dropped that transmitter fast enough when she heard Jack was hurt. Esp. since she left it with someone she really believes is in no way trustworthy.
Yeah. I'm totally into flawed characters, but that was much with the WTF-ness. Sort of left a bitter taste in my mouth, 'cause it reminded me of all the eyerolling I used to do at Sydney going to pieces over her man-troubles.
I gather next week's ep is Sawyer-centric? I have a feeling they're gonna bring out the hoary cliche of "little Sawyer was beaten regularly by his drunken Pop and ended in a juvie, which made him be all twisted, but he's actually a good guy in the heart! Really!", which would be predictable and annoying. Plus, that storyline has already been covered elsewhere (and done very well) in TV land recently.
I have a feeling they're gonna bring out the hoary cliche
Heh. That would appeal to the side of me that sekritly likes the hoary cliché when I'm in the mood for it, but narratively, it'd be boring.
Sawyer said he wasn't that different from Jack, right?
Maybe he's a pediatrician.
just like we are not (yet) seeing Charlie's withdrawal symptoms include vomit.
Dude, didn't you see the last season of 24? TV-heroin withdrawal takes about 8 hours and the only symptoms are sweating and moodiness. Easy-peasy.
OR, maybe the dislocated shoulder thing was a Very Subtle Clue that Jack's not really the doctor he says he is.