Loved Charlie's Luke Skywalker line: "I'm here to rescue you." Hee. And of course he should go tunnelling in, he's a hobbit for god's sake! Dom ruled.
I can't get upset at the bad science/engineering/physics/gravity issues, because really, and as Sayid finally pointed out, they should all be dead. So hand-waving is fine and just the price of admission.
As Betsy points out, you can narrow in on a source with two receivers, but you get much better accuracy with three, and generate that "triangle of uncertainty" that DCJ linked to earlier. But then there's all that magic transmitter shit that Sayid put together - don't think too hard about it.
Hmm. I just googled, and a triangulation site reminded me that (duh!) you really need a map to triangulate. Otherwise, you don't know how far the sites are apart or what the angles between them are or nothin'.
Again, Betsy, magic. Free pass on logic. Mad Republican Guard skillz.
Loved Charlie's Luke Skywalker line: "I'm here to rescue you."
Thank you! The vague recognition of that line had been bugging me. I couldn't place it.
Heh. I squeed. I'm a dork.
I am also thinking, shoulder dislocations are not fixed by pulling on the arm in any random direction -- there is, like, a protocol for doing it, and it usually requires two people, to pull on the victim patient in two different directions.
Although it would be not quite so much fun to see Jack lose and arm to nerve death or something, just like we are not (yet) seeing Charlie's withdrawal symptoms include vomit.
Okay, it was moths. Magic moths.
And I was thinking the same thing as Nutty -- it's more like "Rotate my arm 90 degrees -- AIIEEE SCREAM OUCH -- wait 30 seconds and let go."
I think I figured out what really annoyed me about this episode-- the stuff with Sawyer.
My eyes were already rolling a bit at the "poor little Sawyer got his feelings hurt, so now he's not going to tell Kate what he came all that way to tell her" part. When this was followed up by his accidentally telling her anyway, it irritated me. You've made it clear Sawyer is not stupid, people. Go with that.