Or rather, I think it was pretty heavy-handed, but in a "Gee Locke, lay it on a little thicker, will ya?" way rather than in a "OKAY WRITERS WE GET THAT MAGIC IS LIKE CRACK!" way.
Yes, this.
I think it might have fallen flat if Dom were less of a great actor, but he totally pulled it off.
Also this. Any other actor and I think I would have been in the Ew, episode stinky, get it off me.... corner.
I also think Sayid thinks it was Saywer, which is why he's all gung ho to go to town on Sawyer with a knife and his Mad Republican Guard Skillz.
And that's just silly, really, that Sayid would suspect Sawyer, because Sawyer is totally crushing on his Mad Republican Guard ass. Right now, Sawyer also kinda strikes me as from the Malcolm Reynolds school of "if I want to hurt you, you're gonna see it coming" action.
Maybe it was one of the epileptic trees what bonked Sayid.
And that's just silly, really, that Sayid would suspect Sawyer, because Sawyer is totally crushing on his Mad Republican Guard ass.
Sayid's pissed because Sawyer's not putting out, so now it's time to talk to Mr. Knifey.
Love the shout-out to Jess. That's awesome.
Loved Charlie's Luke Skywalker line: "I'm here to rescue you." Hee. And of course he should go tunnelling in, he's a hobbit for god's sake! Dom ruled.
I can't get upset at the bad science/engineering/physics/gravity issues, because really, and as Sayid finally pointed out, they should all be dead. So hand-waving is fine and just the price of admission.
As Betsy points out, you can narrow in on a source with two receivers, but you get much better accuracy with three, and generate that "triangle of uncertainty" that DCJ linked to earlier. But then there's all that magic transmitter shit that Sayid put together - don't think too hard about it.
Hmm. I just googled, and a triangulation site reminded me that (duh!) you really need a map to triangulate. Otherwise, you don't know how far the sites are apart or what the angles between them are or nothin'.
Again, Betsy, magic. Free pass on logic. Mad Republican Guard skillz.
Loved Charlie's Luke Skywalker line: "I'm here to rescue you."
Thank you! The vague recognition of that line had been bugging me. I couldn't place it.