Okay, Kate's got me thinking. I now consider her the walking proof they're not dead. She clearly doesn't think they're dead. She said it herself, she was conscious all the way down. She doesn't think it's miraculous, or supernatural, or whatever other explanation she thinks the others may have.
"Sometimes things just happen."
We just survived. However miraculous it may seem, or however much convinced you are that you died when you went unconscious, you didn't. We just lived.
If there is something supernatural happening on the island, I wonder what it will take to convince Kate. Whatever the giant, pilot-eating, epiliptec-tree-causing thing may be, that wasn't enough to convince her.
It won't let me edit my post to fix the funked up formatting!
Let me be the 43,297th person to say:
The writers on LOST completely do not grok the concept of triangulation.
You don't need three sites. You need two. And you don't find out if the object is inside the triangle, you create a triangle formed by the two sites and the emitter.
I am Daniel's Lost screencap.
How very Fight Club.
Can you delete it, Daniel?
Was I the only one who thought, "Mmmm. Heroin-smoked barbecue"?
Was I the only one who shouted, "Inhale!"
The writers on LOST completely do not grok the concept of triangulation.
You don't need three sites. You need two. And you don't find out if the object is inside the triangle, you create a triangle formed by the two sites and the emitter.
I didn't know that, Betsy. Thanks. I think they did it the Literal Way in
Reign of Fire
as well.
The writers on LOST completely do not grok the concept of triangulation.
You know, Betsy, I didn't even stop to think about that, but you're right. It's how a number of different forms of navigation work, Loran being one that comes to mind since my cousin was a Coastie.