I'm thinking too much again, aren't I?
Probably, but please don't stop!
I read her comment a little more simply; I thought she was saying she didn't want to be Eve to Jack's Adam, though that runs counter to her flirting with him earlier. But then she was kind of pissed at him for wanting to move to the caves in the first place, and for being so oblivious to her advances. Hmm. Maybe she wants the hot desert island monkey love, but isn't so keen on being the matriarch of a whole new society?
Actually, I think I like Deena's interpretation of that line much better.
I hought she just meant she doesn't want to end up on the island for life, dead and stuck on a rock shelf.
My read was like Robin's.
(And Happy Birthday Daniel! I hope you're out celebrating!)
Thanks, sumi.
No, not so much, sadly.
But I did burn the first six Lost episodes to CD...
Even if it's true that she said it because she doesn't want to end up dead on a rock shelf, or play Eve to Jack's Adam, it seems to me that the other is still valid, or at least informs her character somewhat (though probably less than I'm having fun surmising). I mean, she didn't say, "I don't want to play Blue Lagoon," and she didn't say, I don't want to be "Lucy" (aka famous fossil remains). Of course, that could just be because she doesn't watch cheesy movies with incest (or want to be so blatant as to put that in his head if he wasn't thinking it), and/or pay attention to anthropological discoveries. Eve is a more accessible symbol.
Eve is a more accessible symbol.
Also, it was previously referenced, by Locke.
she doesn't watch cheesy movies with incest
There was incest in Blue Lagoon?! What did I miss? Oh, wait...were they supposed to be cousins? You'd think I'd know -- I watched that damn movie about thirty bazillion times when I was an adolescent.
I believe they were cousins, and though that's not incest in some countries, the odd looks they got when they were recovered implied that their rescuers considered it incest. (On edit: I think the viewers were intended to see it that way.)
Nora, I missed that. What did he say?
when Jack noted that one of the skeletons in the caves was a female, (after Kate initially discovered the skeletons, post-bee attack) Locke said something like, "our very own Adam and Eve."
Here's the bit about it from the TWOP recap:
Oh, I'd forgotten that. Thanks.