Matt inspired me to rewatch, and I just noticed that after Sayid handcuffed Jin to the plane, Sun points to her wrist and says something. Sayid thought it was about the cuffs, but now I think it really was about the watch.
Okay, so maybe I am a little slow.
Sun points to her wrist and says something.
Yeah, took me a rewatch to spot this, too. She was trying to translate while remaining covert with Jin on the English thing. This show has writing, the directors have understanding, the actors have transmission skills.
Other than that, it is cool.
Another question for the hivegroupmind: is a hive of bees as out of place on a south Pacific island as a polar bear?
According too "War In the Pacific NHP: Archeology and History", there are indeed bees:
honey bees (feral, as mentioned in the text) and the black native bee (Lithugris guamensis) were encountered, possibly also leaf-cutter bees...
Bees are like ants and beetles, a really popular bug design that you can find damn near world-wide.
Bugs, the original open source bio-engineering project!
cereal? Espresso and blueberry muffins.
from 'way back...
Though, I would like to think that she decided to stay on the beach for reasons other than just being annoyed.
Yes. I think Kate is in the "Be there for rescue." camp, the beach camp. Jack is not in her camp. He is in the "Let's be alive for rescue." camp.
Still, I think her sadness about the situation is related to Jack not having her back. Meanwhile, Jack is all "WTF!", about
not having
his back.
I still think she's freaked out about dead bodies, enclosed spaces and a monster that eats pilots more than she's wanting rescue.
Also, while I note that, yes indeedy, Locke has wound up (for the moment) on the same "side" as Jack, it is still a wee bit too early to call Locke an advisor to Jack's throne (re: mapping Locke to Fiver).
::ever the optimist, continues practicing his "I'm right, you're wrong" dance::
Locke is
so setting himself as the guru behind the throne, and the high priest to the island.
t practices her isn't Sean special head shake.
Like you're ever right....