Another question for the hivegroupmind: is a hive of bees as out of place on a south Pacific island as a polar bear?
According too "War In the Pacific NHP: Archeology and History", there are indeed bees:
honey bees (feral, as mentioned in the text) and the black native bee (Lithugris guamensis) were encountered, possibly also leaf-cutter bees...
Bees are like ants and beetles, a really popular bug design that you can find damn near world-wide.
Bugs, the original open source bio-engineering project!
cereal? Espresso and blueberry muffins.
from 'way back...
Though, I would like to think that she decided to stay on the beach for reasons other than just being annoyed.
Yes. I think Kate is in the "Be there for rescue." camp, the beach camp. Jack is not in her camp. He is in the "Let's be alive for rescue." camp.
Still, I think her sadness about the situation is related to Jack not having her back. Meanwhile, Jack is all "WTF!", about
not having
his back.
I still think she's freaked out about dead bodies, enclosed spaces and a monster that eats pilots more than she's wanting rescue.
Also, while I note that, yes indeedy, Locke has wound up (for the moment) on the same "side" as Jack, it is still a wee bit too early to call Locke an advisor to Jack's throne (re: mapping Locke to Fiver).
::ever the optimist, continues practicing his "I'm right, you're wrong" dance::
Locke is
so setting himself as the guru behind the throne, and the high priest to the island.
t practices her isn't Sean special head shake.
Like you're ever right....
it is still a wee bit too early to call Locke an advisor to Jack's throne (re: mapping Locke to Fiver).
OK. Locke could be just Mystical Creepy Guy. Really. The whole rabbits-are-us thing could just be wrong.
This would never alter the fact that Locke is the wisdom behind the throne.