DavidS is Jack, always sweating the future, while my man Hurley is my man Hurley, lovin' life, while there is life left to be loved.
By Day 3 at the
I would've had everybody putting all the resources into a big pile. Way before Sawyer got to hoarding and trading. Folks gotta get organized. Groove on life, big man, but recognize the situation isn't about you and your Willie Nelson.
Falafel to you, Gus.
Also, #1 Resource (on David's island) is the Medical Doctor. Consequently, the medical doctor makes no day trips into the jungle almost falling off cliffs and whatnot. I don't care what his psychodrama is. #2 Resource is the Electronics Guy. He also sits in a shadey hut, with a pile of AA batteries and every gizmo collected.
Also, Mr. Hoards The Narcotic get his ass kicked for keeping his smackfarthing from the doctor who can put it to better use. Hmph.
they have no key to the handcuffs.
I liked that part because I thought the same thing. I wonder what Sayid would have done if Michael hadn't cut him free (at which point I thought, "Well, crap, now they can't use them anymore!").
I think we should maroon Hec on a deserted island and see whether he practices what he preaches.
I think we should maroon Hec on a deserted island and see whether he practices what he preaches.
I'd start by practicing on you Science Boy. "You! Get to work on those cocoanut telephones they had on Gilligan! Stat!!!!"
at which point I thought, "Well, crap, now they can't use them anymore!"
So did I. (Though I admit I didnt' think of the non-key having until I read the recap, which made me laugh even harder at it.)
I think we should maroon Hec on a deserted island and see whether he practices what he preaches.
Oh, Hec is true to his word. Frock-coated dudes never fail.
Lieutenant Falafel,
t sticks tounge out at SA
, however, has not made his need for resources public, so I got a
Lieutenant Falafel, right here.
Is Hurley in on the Transmitter Conspiracy? Because while he may have noticed Captain FalafelSayid fiddling with parts, he may not have realized that he's using up stuff that may be vital to being rescued.
Another reason why keeping all the maroonees in the dark about the Mysterious Transmission o' Mysterious Doom may not be a wise idea.
Heh, Gus. Cross-posted. Poor Hurley, in the dark.
I have to give some props to DavidS' position, though. I think that Advisor Locke should have been pushing for resource consolidation before now.