I get immeasurably annoyed with Hurley every time he puts on the fucking discman. Don't they need batteries for the transceiver?
You really think the transceiver runs on AAs? Back off my Hurley, man! You're allowed to knock him for the second "Chinese" comment, though.
Sometimes, a guy just needs some music.
Do you have broadband? I suggest downloading her ep
I do, and I've even sort of looked into it for other shows, but I haven't yet downloaded anything. Maybe I will just go ahead and bite the bullet for this one. I'm just a stranger in a strange land technology wise sometimes. And I have strange irrational fears that I'll break my computer. It's kind of sad, really.
So, basically, she's pissed at him, and he doesn't get why?
Right. I didn't get it either, at first. Thus the "petulant" thing. I'm going with she is feeling scorned on the animal-magnetism frontier, and he is stumbling around in the male fog of "What do we do about all these responsibilities?"
From the recap, I particularly loved:
I think Jack needs to examine his cave fixation from a Freudian standpoint. And then get laid.
That's so funny. 'Cause I was pretty much in a fog of my own (but neither of theirs). Mine was, "Jack, what's your problem? She just doesn't want to do what you want her to. Deal. Don't assume shes some way because of that." But, yeah, in the moment she had pretty much gone from friendly to shut down. I can see the interpretation.
Though, I would like to think that she decided to stay on the beach for reasons other than just being annoyed. So I shall.
I liked this bit from the recap, too:
So Sayid gets the marshal's handcuffs and cuffs Jin to the plane wreckage and decides to let him stew in the sun until somebody cracks and tells them what happened. This is an excellent plan, except for the fact that Mercutio has no earthly idea, Sun and Jin don't speak English, and... they have no key to the handcuffs.
You really think the transceiver runs on AAs? Back off my Hurley, man! You're allowed to knock him for the second "Chinese" comment, though.
Maybe not the tranceiver, but there are probably flashlights the batteries could be used in.
I get immeasurably annoyed with Hurley every time he puts on the fucking discman. Don't they need batteries for the transceiver?
DavidS is Jack, always sweating the future, while my man Hurley is my man Hurley, lovin' life, while there is life left to be loved.
Falafel might share his plans with my man Hurley, if he wanted to bask in the AA love.
DavidS is Jack, always sweating the future, while my man Hurley is my man Hurley, lovin' life, while there is life left to be loved.
By Day 3 at the
I would've had everybody putting all the resources into a big pile. Way before Sawyer got to hoarding and trading. Folks gotta get organized. Groove on life, big man, but recognize the situation isn't about you and your Willie Nelson.
Falafel to you, Gus.
Also, #1 Resource (on David's island) is the Medical Doctor. Consequently, the medical doctor makes no day trips into the jungle almost falling off cliffs and whatnot. I don't care what his psychodrama is. #2 Resource is the Electronics Guy. He also sits in a shadey hut, with a pile of AA batteries and every gizmo collected.
Also, Mr. Hoards The Narcotic get his ass kicked for keeping his smackfarthing from the doctor who can put it to better use. Hmph.