Just wanted to say that I got my copy of The Intuitionist and have started reading. It's fun to read something just for fun before school starts. I used to love to read, but law school has really pulls from my fun reading.
The Buffista Book Club: the Harry Potter iteration
This thread is a focused discussion group. Please see the first post below for the current topic and upcoming book discussions. While natter will inevitably happen, we encourage you to treat this like a virtual book club and try to keep your posts in that spirit.
By consensus, this thread is reopened specifically to discuss Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It will be closed again once that discussion has run its course.
Let me tell you, reading The Intuitionist while waiting for and riding on elevators is weird.
I'm hoping it will be a fairly quick read. barnesandnoble.com and I had some issues with ordering, so we'll see how soon it gets here.
My copy's taunting me from the hold shelf at the library. But that taunting ends tonight.
cereal (to stretch the definiton):
some comments through part 1:
To me the pace started off slow. I found the non-linear story-telling to be a little jarring, but after the first 25 pages or so I've started getting into the rhythm. Honestly, I'm finding the book to be a slow burn, not grabbing me right way with explosive plot development, but slowly building up my interest in this odd world and the underlying mystery. I'm simmering.
I got it from the library, but it looked so thin, and I didn't want to read it all and then be twiddling my thumbs, forgetting it before the discussion. But if it is slow, perhaps I had better get busy. I'll be finishing a "Shakespearean" mystery tonight, and then will get started. I'm just so tickled to be finally taking part in a book club (and it's actually two, because I just joined the Librarian's Book Club too).
My copy was waiting for me when I got home (finally). I suppose it's only been 7 days, but still. Finishing K&C tonight and then on to The Intuitionist.
You know. One of the things I think I'm going to like most about this is that there won't be the depressing down time between books.
I got mine yesterday (with a fly very carefully smooshed between pages..eew) and couldn't help but drop everything and read just a little. Not enough to discuss yet,but- yay! Book club!
I finished it today. sticks tongue out at everyone else
My branch doesn't have one. Or it's out.