I was so happy when Professor M. (can't spell it) finds Harry in the Ravenclaw Tower. I missed her!
And her emotion at seeing Harry's body!
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I was so happy when Professor M. (can't spell it) finds Harry in the Ravenclaw Tower. I missed her!
And her emotion at seeing Harry's body!
Dana, I love that theory, though I don't know that I can imagine George giving up the joke shop for academia.
Another theory I've seen is that Percy goes in on the joke shop with George. But I like the ghost one better.
I love the ghost part. I doubt that bit Not At All. But George as a professor is a stretch.
I also think it's funny that Harry's signature curse against DA, the one Lupin warns him against becoming a one-curse wizard, is ultimately the one that helps him finally beat Voldemort.
Also loved how it was the saying of his name that allowed the Trace.
I was so happy when Professor M. (can't spell it) finds Harry in the Ravenclaw Tower. I missed her!
Yes, this!
George obviously goes on to become the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and Fred is a castle ghost, until the day George dies and they move on together.
I love this in theory, but I agree that George wouldn't go into academia. However, I love the idea that the joke shop would still be haunted by Fred.
And in terms of closure, the final parting with the Dursleys worked. Dudley even had a mini-redemption that is sort of apt for leaving adolescence.
I also think it's funny that Harry's signature curse against DA, the one Lupin warns him against becoming a one-curse wizard, is ultimately the one that helps him finally beat Voldemort.
Also loved how it was the saying of his name that allowed the Trace.
This is the thing I loved. So much coming together in this volume.
As the NYTs review mentions she does such a good job of piecing lots of stuff together. Good continuity (except Creevey... why was he at Hogwarts because wasn't he Muggle born?) throughout.
So many things to love in this book. So very many.
I love that Neville is the one to slay the snake. I also love that it is Ron's concern for the house elves that tips the scale and leads to the Big Kiss.
Well, it has to be Neville, since it so easily could have been he and not Harry as the person to whom the prophecy referred.
I also must admit, I'm so happy that I reread the other six in the past month. So much I had forgotten!