I'm hoping it's just a rumor. Or maybe they're trying to make it like the Jim Sheridan movie "In America," where there are elements of several different eras mixed for an out-of-time feeling.
This could be ok, too.
I would think, but wikipedia says AZT was in use then, so I guess it's *barely* possible.
Yeah, my only point of reference was Angels in America, which actually could have been set a few years earlier in the 80's.
Siiiigh. That's my favorite Hepburn/Grant film. I like
The Philadelphia Story
Bringing Up Baby,
is IT for me. I'm hoping someone would remaster the film (the copy I have on VHS is of sucky quality) and release it as a big Grant/Hepburn DVD box set or something.
Two Miyazaki films that have never been released officially in the US are coming out on DVD tomorrow, NausicaƤ, Valley of the Wind, and Porco Rosso.
I've seen bootlegs of both films. NausicaƤ is the film that made Miyazaki's reputation, and it's visually unlike any animation I've seen, although the character of NausicaƤ herself is
a prototypical Mary Sue
Porco Rosso is one of Miyazaki's more minor films, which means that it's still miles above most other animation out there. Interestingly, you get to see the same
Mommy harem
that later appeared in Mononoke and Spirited Away. Miyazaki is probably the greatest animator ever, but he still has issues.
I know nothing about how Hughes actually appeared, and only know Hepburn from movies, not interviews, etc. Were they spot on?
I've seen news footage of Hughes from exactly that era (directing Hell's Angels and testifying in court), and yes, Leo's performance is dead-on, at least in terms of physicality. (As is Alan Alda's actually -- Scorcese essentially recreated the Universal Newsreel coverage shot for shot in that scene.)
t /posting via dial-up from my new apartment when I should be unpacking
Scorcese essentially recreated the Universal Newsreel coverage shot for shot in that scene.
Was the dialog taken entirely from the newsreel footage?
Went to see Constantine on friday night. I slept through the last 30 minutes or so, waking up only when the audience laughed at Keanu giving Satan the finger. I had to get a summary of the ending from Elena B.
Was the dialog taken entirely from the newsreel footage?
The clip that I've seen did sound very similar, but it wasn't Hughes making a big speech, it was that "So, are you going to bring [some witness] in, then?" / "No, I'm not [you big jerk]" bit. The pacing of the dialogue felt very similar to how Scorcese directed it.
I went to see
In Good Company
on Saturday -- it was very sweet.
Also, Scifi Wire is saying that they have confirmed that Joss is being wooed to direct Wonder Woman.
And Wizard news linked to this story that Elizabeth Hurley is going to be cast as Bellatrix Lestrange in HP&tOOTP.
sumi, I heard that rumor was debunked a few weeks ago. Or, since the story said they were chasing, I heard they weren't chasing anymore.
Megan, that was a pretty funny moment, and actually fairly subtly done. It's like "What is everyone laughing at?" and then you look more closely and see it.